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23, It/She/They. Autistic. Warning I post vore, porn, kink, whatever the fuck I want really. 18+, minors begone please
Reposted byAvatar Fable
i know social media sometimes makes it feel like it’s important to express an opinion on every issue in line of sight, but i promise it’s okay to both hold opinions you don’t express, and to recognize that you don’t have enough experience to hold an informed opinion. it’s okay to listen and learn.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
my maybe cancelable take is that the last week would have been a good time for cis white allies to listen, learn, and offer material support instead of opinions so that cis Black people, nonblack trans people, and Black trans people could have an informed discussion without taking extra damage.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
The idea of “spoilers” was popularized by studios to combat the rise of sites like Ain’t It Cool News, and prior to the late 1990s, the idea of “spoiling” a movie largely didn’t exist outside of obvious twists (“I am your father”; the identity of Mother, etc.).
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Protip: for any cis people who don’t already know, the phrase “this person” is an extremely obvious way transhobes often degender and/or misgender trans people. you should generally not use that phrasing. especially if you are criticizing someone who happens to be trans.
this person every god damn time
Reposted byAvatar Fable
literally every goddamn second on this fuckassed earth we are told to make ourselves smaller so joe biden wins or so some hateful shithead can use the bathroom or so that yall can enjoy the new york times
Reposted byAvatar Fable
stop making everything tranny shit stop sticking up for yourselves just let the fascists mulch you! it’s the polite thing to do. if you were really women you would just lie down and wait to die
Reposted byAvatar Fable
When fascists come to town marginalised people die. It’s going to happen more often and more frequent.
NEW: Columbus, Ohio, police detailed to the RNC in Milwaukee have shot a Black man in his early 20s a few blocks outside of the security perimeter. Details TK. (via Columbus Dispatch, CBS 58 Milwaukee)
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Reposted byAvatar Fable
trans women are new to oppression because we're so used to male socialization making our lives easy anyway maybe in about four months when I can get on my husband's insurance I can start looking at ways I can affording getting the pills that make me want to die less when I look in the mirror
Reposted byAvatar Fable
if you're cis and telling trans women you see no transphobia in something we're not safe near you
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remember when hattie got banned for three days because she expressed anger at bsky devs for refusing to ban a transphobe who was making threatening lists
it's genuinely good to know that if you make the wrong cissexuals uncomfortable instead of sitting there and looking pretty, then bsky moderation might put you in time out and refuse to say exactly why
Reposted byAvatar Fable
it's genuinely good to know that if you make the wrong cissexuals uncomfortable instead of sitting there and looking pretty, then bsky moderation might put you in time out and refuse to say exactly why
Reposted byAvatar Fable
I wrote an essay about transfeminine disposability and epistemic injustice, about how easy it is for people to demonize transfems, to construct theories and histories of us detached from our lived reality, and to deny how we are oppressed when vilifying us. I've shared it here for ... no reason.
When the Doll Speakstaliabhattwrites.substack.com Imagine, if you will, the horror one feels, when something that was never meant to have a voice screams.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Twitter is dying bc its ownership is turning it into a fascist hellhole, Bsky is dying because libs are so invested in protecting their pet minorities that they're doing pogroms of the minorities that might jeopardize their image.
Pretty clear Bluesky is on its way out just like Mastodon was. I'm on here mostly to monitor if a couple of my friends need support and then who knows, maybe the next hiatus is permanent.
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Screenshot of @janemoon.bsky.social admitting to sexual assault. She thinks she can change her name and walk away from her past. And is using Bluesky to find new victims. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Please share to keep others from being victimized.
Left one name in cos I think Jen maybe has an account here and deserves to see how her self-described "best friend" constantly talked about her This was all a response to me complimenting JM's hair After talking to another victim, uhhhhh I do not think this was made up I missed SO many red flags
Reposted byAvatar Fable
i wish trans women treated other trans women better
Reposted byAvatar Fable
before I do anything, I ask myself one question "Will this make me hotter?" If the answer is no, I don't do it.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
we spent ages saying be nice to penis woman so of course the logical response to that was to mass block penis women
Reposted byAvatar Fable
the trans women were all fun and quirky to u but now bsky wants to be the next main outlet for pundits which means scrubbing the noisy trannies out to make things more Professional for ppl w headshot pfps who make more money than i ever have
Reposted byAvatar Fable
idk how much longer im gonna be able to use this place. if i wanted to explain that transmisogyny is real to ppl all day, id be on twitter. but it's hard to "just block and move on" and post fun, sexy stuff when ppl are smearing my girls every day
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Wish I could find the post I made about how I feel allegiance with the dolls because so frequently when people need someone to yell at they choose either a doll or a black woman because that’s still how I feel and still true
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What's cool about being a trans woman is that "trans woman" when translated in cis-speak simply means "former man" and that's really cool, love that for us.
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is it a hot take to say that maybe antiblackness and transmisogyny are both present in this space, and most of the inner-community issues we’ve historically had here stem from picking one to riot about and dismissing the other as a non-issue
Reposted byAvatar Fable
If this is about the recent jbouie discourse, please don't refer to trans women as queers unless you're a trans woman. It is bigoted. You're free to call yourself queer but do not punch down.
It’s interesting to see white queer people reject criticisms of white supremacy. But like, white supremacy violently constructed the gender and sex norms that queer people challenge. It’s where “we” got the binary from.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
like i said last night, the fact that in the wake of kairi and anonsee there are basically zero trans women of color who have even a fraction of their follower accounts??? everyone i know who was even close LEFT, and very reasonably so! there's real issues on this site that are getting ignored.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Lot of people writing “racism” with quotation marks around it starting to make me mad uncomfortable
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Frustrating to me that now we have ended up in a position where talking about anti black racism is seen as taking a position against trans people and vice versa
Reposted byAvatar Fable
Oh I am sorry I interrupted your gooning session at the presidential polls with your cis allies by being a bit too loud about my siblings dying. I never wanted to jeopardize your future work prospects at [insert transphobic media company here]. My bad, I will sit down and listen to your great words
If another "reporter", ignoring our plight, says we are crybabies, I am going to lose my shit. And I am not talking about bouie. These reporters are using this to throw us under the fucking bus and I am done.
Reposted byAvatar Fable
yhinking about my vest today for no reason in particular
Reposted byAvatar Fable
There is so much history to reclaim and recover, the fight to even find each other when the weight of society has been pushing for our isolation and death. If I lived in an earlier time, when it would have been much harder to find people who feel like I do,I don’t know what would have become of me