
on the record, i think the freak-outs about the actual importance of the debate were over the top, but some freaking out about these Supreme Court decisions is entirely warranted (however, not to the extent of ceding defeat and rolling over and submitting to the GOP boot, either)
I think folks (myself very much included) are freaking out a bit generally and folks shouldn't necessarily take everything suggested at face value or more than a "the past week has been a loooooot, the engines are on fire, and the passengers are frankly a bit concerned if the pilot knows how to fly"
Also, real talk: there are a lot of us who are already just on the edge of panic because we understand the stakes are high. And that's gonna come out sometimes.
this is an election that should not be close, the stakes are very urgent, and there are at best only a few soggy words and almost no actions that are meeting the actual crisis of the moment. Folks are gonna freak out a bit. It's an existentially high-stakes race, and folks want someone at the wheel
also we all watched last night I don't think it's worth pretending we didn't see what we saw, it was really bad, and I think it's reasonable to have some panicky feelings about that at some point you have to buckle down and work with what you got, but it's also important to acknowledge reality
In 2016 and 2020, when we pointed out who and what Trump is, Republicans sometimes answered, "Sure, but you need to understand it's not just the man at the top, it's the team he's going to build who will be doing most of the real work." That may be an idea that we can apply, except with sincerity.
I think it also might depend on where you live & how much financial & social mobility you have. I’ve seen a lot of people taking about leaving the country and that’s great but if you’re in a red state & can’t leave, no matter where, you’re probably justifiably freaking out bc you’re stuck and fucked
There’s nobody who can say “it’s going to be ok, we’ve got this”
yeaaah. And, like, Biden's one job was to be the safe hand at the wheel. That was why he won last time. This election should not be close. And yet.
FWIW, I've been feeling this since late 2016. Just year after year of, "where the f are the grownups?!?"
I don’t believe it’s likely that the Dems will seriously seek to pivot to another nominee at this point, but I do think making Kamala significantly more visible and campaign-facing would be beneficial and help assuage at least some concerns.
Along those lines, I found the wording of the text I got this morning interesting:
Probably the most helpful thing people can do is join the KHive
And today someone finally pulled that little pamphlet out of the pocket and saw the word Boeing.
My impression 12 hours out is that the damage has been blunted quite a bit because GOP messaging strategy / NYT reports about how old Biden is already baked in takeaways about his age like eight months before there was any real credence to "is there decline there?"
people who are very engaged and saw a difference between SOTU Biden and debate Biden are feeling it and panicking. people who didn't watch the SOTU but maybe heard about the debate think "yeah I already knew he was old, thanks."
I feel like you should absolutely not take any blame here, your posts haven't been concern trolly stuff "Joe, ol buddy, I've thought it through and it's time for you to go, no hard feelings" but "I have long concerns about the President's comms staff and this is further evidence of their failure"
Asking Joe Biden to give up the project he's devoted his life to and for which the evidence suggests there's no better alternative: unserious Asking Joe Biden to hire a better debate prep team: totally realistic.
And the looming remaining decisions coming from the Supreme Court that could benefit Trump outright our casting along shadow today too.
It would be nice if Biden & other Dem's weren't complete garbage. :|
Administrative law isn’t sexy, but goddammit it’s important
I respectfully disagree. It is occasionally sexy. Always important.
One of the only and very tattered silver linings I can take from today’s installment in the corrupt six’s ongoing coup is that it pretty much makes the debate a one day story.
Never admit defeat. That's the whole point of the bullying behaviour from the GOP; they want people to give up and feel like there's no point in voting. As long as people push back, counter them, call them out, and refuse to back down, there's still some hope. It still matters.
Yeah the vibe on here completely changed in one hour, and that's the correct response IMHO.
EXACTLY. Also, I listened -- didn't watch -- the debate and I thought Biden did a good job and Trump sounded insane. So...
I am 43 and I know there have been a lot of moments in my life where it felt like things were on the brink. And I don't want to deny reality. But we should never roll over and accept defeat, and we should all work on our little piece of the world as best we can.
These decisions reinforce what I've thought for a long time, they need to expand the Court to 13 and ideally have X no. of judges from the 13 circuits rotate up to SCOTUS every X no. of years. The SCOTUS justice(s) then rotate down to the circuits when the new justice(s) come on to the Court.