
I apologize in advance for being That Guy, but I recently got back into lifting weights three days a week and I already am getting a rush of exalted feelings of power when I like, have to lift cartons of Coke Zero at the grocery store can recommend
I hate that people are right that exercising regularly can make you feel better 🥲
oh man after I started weightlifting I discovered I got SO good at getting up off the sofa. like AMAZING at it did not even know that was a thing
I danced around the kitchen when I realized I could lift the big skillet (12” cast iron) with one hand.
What a great marker! I struggle with that thing when I have to do anything but let it hang down from one hand.
same, pretty much didn't lift (or go to the gym at all, really) through my entire 30s and after ~4 months back I can't believe I ever stopped... I've always had an active lifestyle, but there's no substitute for getting a pump and easily lifting things that would have had you grunting before
Motion is lotion, take it from an old lady 😊
Omg, absolute same! Gaining strength, and the grace that affords you, makes moving through the world a different experience. I turned fifty this year but have been weight training and running and am way more fit than most of my forties. Congrats on your grocery endorphins:)!
I've been to gym twice this week, aiming for twice more, getting gently into weights, and I'm extremely grumpy to report that I feel AMAZING!
Years ago when I started weightlifting I was surprised when I suddenly didn't have to swing my shoulder wide to open doors. I can just use muscle! What a concept!
Can relate. I’ve also started going to the gym since we may all have need of above-average physical fitness in the coming years, so… 💪😕
Get that nice Hulk feeling when things get easier after starting the "Lift and then lower heavy things" routine. Keep it up!
On a purely objective level - having muscle strength is a pretty useful thing :)
few things better than being the person that can easily pick up what others struggle with. It’s along the same lines as reaching the top shelf 🤣
I'm at the point of admiring people who can bend over and don't have to stay there till the paramedics arrive.
never apologize for talking about doing what you love, or for talking about how good it makes you feel to do it.
Ya, I only curl 1 pounders (bottle of beer). Maybe I too should aim for cases.
Overrated, susceptible to injury and bad for my glucose levels. I have couch potato down to an art form 🥔
I do cardio but I can’t do upper body stuff anymore because of neck arthritis and I miss feeling like a buff bitch
Did very basic deadlifts 20 minutes ago, and am literally dying. Waiting for the promise of exaltation to kick in.
It is a fantastic feeling…certainly for me as someone is the far side of 40. It is fun to have fun with movement!
You didn’t ask but let me volunteer I’m on a custom physician designed supplementation regimen & do a weekly testosterone shot, and it’s transformed my life. I do the workouts too and together they have massively helped.