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Ugh, wildfire smoke season has officially begun. Hands down my least favorite part of the PNW
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Solidarity is important for all oppressed and persecuted ppl. Who’s to say fascists will stop with ppl they are currently oppressing? It also builds cooperation, community mobilization, and the guarantee of protection and mutual aid networks.
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
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If the shooting was “not related to the RNC,” why would cops from Columbus, Ohio be involved in the first place? Also, pretty on the nose for cops from a red state to come to a blue city and kill a homeless black guy on the second night of the RNC. www.jsonline.com/story/news/c...
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near RNCwww.jsonline.com The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
NEW: Neo-Nazis from Goyim Defense League are using a vacation rental in Scottsville KY as their base of operations for their weeklong Nazi clown show that kicked off in Nashville last weekend. More info on the blog 👇 goyimdefenseleague.noblogs.org/scottsville-...
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
And speaking of GDL scum, like Ryan Scott McCann, of Ontario, Canada, GDL has been on a Terror Tour in Nashville. They must be staying *somewhere* goyimdefenseleague.noblogs.org/scottsville-...
GDL Staying at Scottsville, TN Rental Property – Goyim Defense League Exposedgoyimdefenseleague.noblogs.org
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Play shitty games, win shitty prizes
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Poster seen in Pullman, Washington
I’m getting weary of horseshoe theory nonsense lately, Michael Tracey is still not ok, Alex Jones and his orbit still not ok. Some people need to either vet their sources more seriously or reevaluate their life decisions
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
I'm a union member shop that prints t-shirts and stickers if you're looking...
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Great essay, from top to bottom. The next few days will show media attempting to “both sides” this story; to ponder how this could have possibly have happened at a rally led by a person who once ordered the national guard to tear gas peaceful protesters outside of a church for a photo op
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay: www.the-reframe.com/gambling-in-...
Gambling In Casablancawww.the-reframe.com Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
“Assassination attempt”? That sounds an awful lot more sophisticated than a 20 yr old going sideways while in the country with the easiest access to firearms
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
I think it's terrible how the people driving around with "liberal hunting license" bumper stickers were made to fear for their lives due to political violence
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
July 21, 1944: “We condemn the un-German Valkyrie plot and send our thoughts and prayers”
Been watching Fox so you don’t have to and I can now report that their only suspect is Antifa
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Please don’t be from PDX. Please don’t be from PDX. Please don’t be from PDX. Please don’t be from PDX. Please don’t be from PDX.
Clearly the answer is more open carry at Trump rallies
I’m starting to think mixing money and politics is a bad idea
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Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Joe Biden fans are as mad right now at every milquetoast elected democrat saying he should think about maybe stepping down as they are about homeless people they have to notice and “Hamas.”
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
Heyyyy #PortfolioDay I'm Morgan and I'm an illustrator of the fantastical and macabre variety. I've done cover art for books and music albums. Looking to do more of the same, as well as poster art. 🌐 mxmorgan.com
France sure does seem to be showing that the real obstacle to defeating fascists is the center, not the left
OH, a big result: Marine Le Pen's *sister* has LOST her bid to join Parliament. She led 40% to 26% in Round 1. Her left opponent won by 0.5%. (Macronist, who came in 3rd, initially said she wouldn't drop out but then changed her mind. Ended up blocking Le Pen.)
Now that normies are panicking about project 2025, what’s it going to take for them to grapple with Cop Cities?
Reposted byAvatar FergusMcDingus
"Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza" was the order. archive.ph/CTeR2
The nice thing about being paranoid is not being bowled over when bad things happen