Faith Kearns

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Faith Kearns

scientist and science communicator | water, wildfire, climate, disasters | Author of Getting to the Heart of Science Communication | Water Talk podcast co-host | she/her | opinions mine | #scicomm |
Really interesting to contemplate that Chevron deference refers to Chevron v Natural Resources Defense Council. It was a case brought during the Reagan administration having to do with loosening air pollution regulations. Chevron won.
Remember like two weeks ago when the Supreme Court overturned Chevron deference? Me neither. But I did have a great conversation with water law expert Rhett Larson about the implications, particularly for Colorado River negotiations
Remember like two weeks ago when the Supreme Court overturned Chevron deference? Me neither. But I did have a great conversation with water law expert Rhett Larson about the implications, particularly for Colorado River negotiations
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Clinging to the beauty of this planet like a life raft
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Groundwater is a huge issue in rural Arizona (including for me) so I am excited to be a part of this effort to develop community led approaches to change. Please share with any interested communities! Learn more and apply here:
Rural Groundwater Resilience Workshops | AZ Water Innovation
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It’s definitely a pattern, and one everyone on this app needs to think long and hard about before it’s too late.
Wait, the same people who bullied Tressie off of this site have now set their sights on Jamelle Bouie?? As ever, they are so much closer to MAGA than they realize.
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If you need help pitching an oped you can email me lollardfish at gmail and I will help. I will do it for free because I think more experts, writing and accessible ways for the public is a fundamental good.
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
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The fourth largest city in America is still in crisis under a deadly heatwave & the power company can't get hundreds of thousands of households back online, but you'd barely know it from our national news.
850K CenterPoint customers remain without power after Hurricane More than 850,000 CenterPoint customers were without power four days after Hurricane Beryl hit the Texas coast.
This psychodrama of a story is just begging to be written.
A thing that is weird in this, the worst written timeline, is that Anne Gorsuch, the first woman to run the US Environmental Protection Agency, is responsible for the Chevron decision. Neil Gorsuch is her son. Dude chose compromising SCOTUS over family therapy.
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I have been thinking about this all week. My elderly parents, who live in Houston, lost power early Monday morning. But, they are privileged enough to have a generator. Millions are not so lucky. This is yet another way we are privatizing public problems.
A Hurricane Divide in Houston: Who Has a Generator? In the prolonged power outage after Hurricane Beryl, many well-to-do neighborhoods are humming with generators. Other residents are struggling to afford — or even find — one.
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We need the higher ed media to better describe what's at stake here. These are not "reforms," they're an authoritarian takeover. They're not "bold" or "sweeping," they're undemocratic and fascist. These aren't normal policy recommendations, they're a dismantling of higher education!
How Project 2025 could radically reshape higher The sweeping conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration would dismantle the Education Department, privatize student loans and end all ongoing Title IX investigations. Critics say it’s a ...
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Wow. "four out of 16 curators lost their jobs. Three other staff members in the division took voluntary buyouts, including the manager of the fish collection—one of the largest in the world.... One of the laid off curators had an endowed position"
There are a lot of gems here & one of the most interesting is about teaching today: “My students have clients who have a site that was flooded by a storm that's off the charts and doesn't map to a known frequency. It’s no longer about the future, engineers are facing these situations right now.”
Glad to have had a chance to talk with Margaret Garcia, a sustainable water engineer at Arizona State working on how to make small, doable changes to legacy infrastructure like Glen Canyon and Hoover dams. She has a unique perspective after many years spent with Engineers Without Borders.
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I’ve been mainly offline for the past few days and just catching up to this very, very sad news. A life truly well lived and an inspiration to so many. Rest in power
Remembering Jane McAlevey (1964–2024) - The ground-breaking labour organizer and internationalist leaves behind a powerful legacy
Glad to have had a chance to talk with Margaret Garcia, a sustainable water engineer at Arizona State working on how to make small, doable changes to legacy infrastructure like Glen Canyon and Hoover dams. She has a unique perspective after many years spent with Engineers Without Borders.
Why is it so smoky out this morn…oh, right
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Polls predicted a loss and the people said different. Important reminder.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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I was interviewing a French journalist and he said public ownership of the major infrastructure for water and electricity is a massive anti-fascist coalition builder among labor, greens, socialists AND the public at large when benefits are widely shared and immediately felt (and would be missed!)
There is particular power in such an ideologically diverse coalition rejecting the French right because fascists should be reminded often that they’re repugnant to a broad swath of society, not just getting outmaneuvered by the wily left
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This is the heart of the matter. This cannot stand.
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🚨My book is online!🚨 "Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice" This was a journey & labor of love to clarify what climate coloniality is & how to decolonize climate justice. Thanks to many for their support! Details below.🧵
Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate This timely and urgent collection brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary scholarship and ideas from around the world to present critical examinations of climate coloniality.   Confronting Clim...
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Ahead of my book release, I wrote a piece for the newly launched Break/ Down, which focuses on capitalism and the climate crisis. In it, I preview one of my main arguments on what a just transition does- and doesn’t- entail
What is a Just Transition? As the idea of the
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first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
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I don't have the powers to continuously rise above that my profession taught me to believe that I held, and that my clients expected. There are clients currently calling their therapists when they are both being evacuated from fire zones. I don't see how hyperindividual models work crisis.
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13,000 people have been evacuated from parts of Oroville (about 65 miles north of Sacramento) due to the #ThompsonFire. As of early this morning it's at 3000 acres, with 0% containment, and the air quality in Oroville has gone to shit.
13,000 evacuated as Northern California wildfire burns with no The Thompson Fire is burning on the outskirts of Oroville, California, and led 13,000 people to evacuate their homes.
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