
we are so fucked lmao
no! no!! “Trump is a convicted felon” will only resonate if it gets hammered over and over, it won’t just magically stick in everyone’s minds what a bunch of galaxy brained morons, discard idea this immediately
I really think today can make a difference but only if they actually use it
Soooooo we're fucked
If the debate still happens I can't imagine Biden himself sticks with this dumbass plan
Even Pim Tool would know how to exploit this.
The phrase "actual criminal Donald J Trump" goes perfectly with you beat of "actual cannibal Shia LeBeouf" and it would have been such a great ad!
I am certain there are advisors saying it would be blah blabh blah who cares. just call him a felon.
It's a combination of things 1) poll poisoning, where they think polls are fixed positions. Like the poll that said no one cared about Tik Tok and then after the ban suddenly everyone cares and they're all surprised. 2) fixation on chasing Republican voters who don't think the charges are real
Hmm, the people who don’t normally pay attention will determine the election you say? Has anything happened in the last few hours that might get them to pay attention? Maybe their minds might be changed by new info about Trump, that he is the first former President in history to be a multiple felon?
Some excellent research in 2020 suggested anti Trump ads didn’t do well because they didn’t contain much new information. Hard to say without more research, but maybe, just maybe “34 FELONIES FIRST TIME IN HISTORY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY” could be some big new information?
Study suggests Democrats should be running more ads about Biden, fewer about It’s almost impossible to change minds about the president.
FWIW, the environment is very different than 2020; one theory about the unusual degree of “tune out” is that it’s news fatigue from the Trump era.
The main takeaway should be that no one should be speaking confidently about what strategy will work absent updated testing. New environment, unprecedented news, and polls still show people aren't familiar with Biden's accomplishments. It's ripe for pundit fallacy takes.
Revisiting this, the research on affective polarization and zero-sum politics might indicate this would be a good time for a yard sign trial because both contribute to people suppressing behavior that might cause conflict. Yard signs could help create a permission structure for overt support.
This is 100% the sort of thing your non political friends text you about because it’s such a big deal and makes it through if ever briefly to people who otherwise don’t consume news
all my news junkie friends center right to far left were all floored by the verdict!! It’s huge news! this is so insane
This is the kind of news that a president doesn't have to weigh in on immediately because people are already all over it. Trying to seize on it too quickly could easily backfire, especially with Republican politicians desperate to deflect from the shame of the convictions.
Some of their surrogates are taking swings but I think the contrast is worth drawing as often as possible since they have a chance to reach otherwise inattentive audiences while the news is fresh.
Sure, Democrats generally should be loudly condemning the convicted criminal's betrayal of his oath of office & lawlessness. Also his sleaze. But I think it's wise for Biden himself to be very circumspect for now in how much he comments on Trump's hush money conviction.
In fact staying low key would give Biden a golden opportunity to cut Trump down at the knees, when he starts really fulminating publicly about the verdict, to pipe up and ask the obvious question: "Why didn't Trump testify under oath at the trial?"
these people deserve to lose all 50 states LMAO just fucking Born Losers - every single one of them
Donald Trump: *dies* Biden Campaign: Voters want to hear about the candidates’ policy positions, not whether or not they are alive.
Some real "what do they think politics is?"
The fuck is wrong with these people. This is like having Boardwalk and Park Place and refusing to put up hotels.
Or like not being able to make money from a casino in Atlantic City
But Michael, "decorum."
"If they go low, we go on linkedin to look for new jobs with January start dates"
for the love of god put biden out there talking shit every single day, if only to do something he is actually good at
This feels like something Biden would disobey his advisors on
Little quips that start with "can your believe this guy?" galore
like not in private but decided it was so politically genius that he and his moronic advisors LEAKED IT TO THE PRESS THAT IT IS THEIR STRATEGY TO DO THIS
I feel like the best strategy is to mostly ignore it, but constantly throw in little snarky jabs. "inflation is coming down, but my opponent might not know that because it hasn't hit the prison commissary yet"
imagine how good life could be in this country if everything wasn't moderated to protect the delicate sensibilities of right wing shitheads
why take this huge juicy layup when we can instead keep pushing the "israel vaporizing children is fine" rock up the mountain?
proposing "popping the ball" as an alternative to the phrase "dropping the ball". the ball fell right into their hands and they stabbed it with a knife
The party of not talking too loudly at your $100,000 a plate charity dinner.
Genuinely have no idea how Biden managed to procreate when the goal is this wide open & he's still failing to score
But… maybe this time the GOP will respect their restraint and act in good faith in the future. Maybe this time…
Too open-minded to take their own side in a fight.
This feels like Ted Lasso and Aaron Sorkin are jointly running Biden's comms.
My mom is running their comma ffs 🤦‍♀️
Is she really or are you on a lark? 🙏