Rufus J Squirrel 🇵🇸

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Rufus J Squirrel 🇵🇸

Let’s get nuts!
I think about this line a lot these days.
It is important to realize - and genuinely believe - that even though it always feels like we’re on our heels, there really are more of us than there are these retrograde backward fascists. We’re pretty fucked but I still believe the future belongs to us.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
I don’t think there’s anyone that has meant more to me musically (and therefore personally) than Steve Albini and watching him articulate the growth I think so many people in his/our/the “scene” over the last 20 years in our attitudes and words and understanding meant just as much. Requiescat 🎈
From the beginning, the danger hasn't been Trump. He is constitutionally lazy, ignorant, unambitious and just generally not good at things. The danger is from people supposedly in opposition doing fuck all to stop the rest of his coterie, categorically more evil, ambitious and skilled than him.
I can’t be the only person to be saying this but the only rubicon Iran has crossed tonight is the line between guerrilla tactics and conventional warfare.
Just had an OJ Heisenberg shit. When I entered the stall I didn’t know if he was alive or dead.
anyone else notice how everything fucking sucks lately
“Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?”
Happy Valentines Day 💘
not yet you haven’t pal
You couldn’t ask for a better summary of the purpose racism serves than planes falling apart because they’re making everything shittier and shittier and people going “I bet this is because of a Black guy!”
It shouldn’t but it continues to startle me how crystal clear that the promises Tech used to let them worm their way into every aspect of our lives were total horseshit.
AI and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. AI has greatly increased "productivity", but it has destabilized society, has made life unfulfilling, has subjected human beings to indignities, has led to widespread psychological suffering, and has inflicted severe damage on the Arts
to be clear the head of the ADL is cool with you literally supporting Hitler as long as you’re mean to Palestinians too
The number of Palestinian children killed in Gaza over the past 3 weeks has exceeded the number of children who died in conflict zones around the world each year since 2019, according to human rights groups
More Children Killed In Gaza This Month Than In Conflict Zones For All Of Since the violence escalated on Oct. 7, at least 3,195 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza, and the number is likely to keep climbing.
Doritos Locos Tacos have lasted almost 3x longer than the Confederacy.
for the pentagon to pull back their advisors who are now going to the mediasaying that they have nothing to do with whatever the IDF and Netanyahu’s government are about to do in Gaza should tell you whatever is transpiring is genocide on an industrial scale.
Some of the best human cannonballs never even get shot out of a cannon
So weird how as soon as the pandemic started it became very immediately clear that things like socialized medicine and giving people money so children don’t starve actually work really well but now that it’s been a couple years we have to all pretend we didn’t notice that
Best healthcare system in the world keeps getting better.
Rite Aid has filed for bankruptcy, unable to find the money to settle hundreds of federal, state and private lawsuits alleging it oversupplied prescription painkillers.
Rite Aid Files for Bankruptcy, Undone by Years of Drugstore chain faces hundreds of lawsuits over opioid crisis, struggled for years with failed mergers
using one of these to steal a cops gun
For fuck’s sake. There is a narrative rapidly building in this country and it’s 9/11 all over again with zero attempt to moderate.
"MSNBC has quietly taken three of its Muslim broadcasters out of the anchor’s chair since Hamas’s attack on Israel last Saturday amid America’s wave of sympathy for Israeli terror victims."
Inside MSNBC’s Middle East Three of the most prominent Muslim broadcasters on MSNBC have, for various reasons, been moved out of the anchor’s chair since Hamas’s attack on Israel.