
This poll is *wild* Head to head Biden wins under 35s by less than three points. He is up 15 points with 65+. A bunch of the other cross-tabs look basically plausible.
latest fox news national poll is the best Fox News for Biden since October
Biden is +5 in the suburbs (+19 with suburban women), +27 with “moderates” (self-ID), and wins 40% of rural whites. If you assume that under-35s are basically impossible to accurately poll in this era the guts of this thing spell an absolute collapse for Trump.
i mean put me down for doubt on him winning 40% of whites period, let alone rural ones
lots of other polling has Biden strong with whites
sure but when was the last time a dem won 40% of rural whites? clinton? maybe carter? i don’t think we’ve won 40% of all whites since 08
I mean, if you think there's nonwhite collapse and Biden is ~tied then white surge is the necessary corollary.
true but i’m skeptical of both tbh i *can* imagine biden improving with whites as he bottoms out in the rurals and winemomification continues
yeah, 40% seems wild and wrong (which makes sense, it's a subgroup in a poll) but broadly being stronger is consistent with other polling, which is also odd but explainable w fundamentals re their demographics