Warren Frey

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Warren Frey


Radio Free Skaro co-host, journalist and furtive fiction scribbler.
Every time I hear about Trump learning anything from getting winged in the war I think of this scene from Wall Street: youtu.be/FelIPK2mw0E?...
A Pharaoh Who Did Not Knowyoutu.be Classic Martin Sheen in Wall Street.
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This is the guy who tried to overthrow the government when he lost the last election
Jesus Christ
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Oh hey look it’s a repugnant bag of shit
“Surely the GOP will stop acting like a clown show now, given the stakes and recent events” - some stupid pundit, probably Tonight’s speakers: - Ron Johnson -Amber Rose - Marjorie Taylor Greene
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Who called it Hillbilly Elegy and not The Legend of Carpetbagger Vance
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JD Vance is to America's socio-economic divide what Ernest Cline is to Gen-X pop culture nostalgia
I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
As a Canadian in 2024 I don’t like feeling like an Austrian in 1933
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Congrats to Haley Joel Osmet on being picked for VP. Huge win for people with gigantic heads
He told us not to take his Swingline stapler and now look what’s happened
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exactly which “undecided voter” (I don’t believe they exist) is waking up this morning like “well I thought I wanted reproductive rights and public schools, but now that the one guy got an unplanned cartilage piercing maybe I actually want Christian theocracy and immigrant death camps”
What’s worse, the GOP convention or the fact Chuck Todd is there covering it
Prediction: Vance’s guyliner goes Full Eyeball once he gets the VP nom
Never in my wildest dreams did I think people posting Palpatine memes would have a better handle on the current situation than Ivy League punditry but well, here we are
It is indeed wild that the pundit class simply cannot comprehend a person without an arc or story. He was born a selfish egotistical asshole, and he will remain one the rest of his life.
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It is indeed wild that the pundit class simply cannot comprehend a person without an arc or story. He was born a selfish egotistical asshole, and he will remain one the rest of his life.
It is amazing to me that the most powerful and best-paid people in political media are still caught up in the idea of A Striking New Tone From Trump. I wrote this in 2020, but the idea goes back to 2017. At this point it says more about them than it does about him. newrepublic.com/article/1571...
The Enduring Delusion of a Chastened Trumpnewrepublic.com From time to time, the president seems to grasp the gravity of his situation. It never lasts.
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The RNC starting tomorrow is really gonna age a lot of both sides takes from over the last two days like warm milk
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Love the idea that the Trump campaign is pivoting to peace, unity, and love - that's really going to be something to behold
Watching CNN and the pundits are all “this is an unbelievable chance for Trump to pivot and take the high road” muthafuckas where have you been for the past decade
Mr Beast Antifa Internment Camp Build Challenge (horrific thumbnail where he grins like a jackal with one arm raised in a European mid 20th century salute of some sort)
Not happy with the turn Bluesky has taken from “goofball nonsense for fun” to “hectoring moralistic ninnies with anime avatars telling you how to live”
new Dandy Fellow just dropped
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a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
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this website has “the juice” but unfortunately it’s the juice they found in that sarcophagus in 2018
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re the 70's: tough to make good food when every kitchen looked like this
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boomers: I want to have my name on things genx: what if life were pleasant? millennials: please, please turn off the meat grinder please
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Could an AI do this? *eats 20 slices of salami*
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i cannot wait to urinate on a cybertruck. i am going to simply blast it with peepee
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This is the secret room where all the takes are coming from
This tweet lives rent free in my head. Friends, what’s your Clowntown 4?