
really great that prominent political journalists won’t just say that trump is lying and here’s why
I mean, it's pretty clear he's lying when he says "I know nothing about Project 2025" and then says he disagrees with stuff in it! Political journalists call a lie a lie challenge (impossible)
Trump Fails To Stick To One Lie
Trump loves Project 2025, but he had someone write that for him. “Abysmal” completely defines Trump, but it’s way out of his vocabulary!
Right. I doubt he could even spell it.
as if “i wish them luck” doesn’t also just endorse them, regardless of the other lies
It’s as if Trump has a pristine record of telling the truth over the past nine years
Team Trump certainly appreciates Axios’s services.
He figured out the ultimate cheat code, just say "I don't support that thing" and journalists have no choice but to print it. There's no other option! "I won't end abortion" and tada he's a moderate. You might think a decade of quotes, governance, appointments, rallies prove otherwise but nuh-uh
I mean he's saying he agrees with some parts of it, disagrees with other parts of it, and also doesn't know anything about it. Can they not notice the glaring contradiction at all? Are they not allowed to point that out?
Their emperor is wearing a lot of clothes the rest of us can’t see.
It's such a dumb rhetorical position. eg: "Trump claims, without evidence, that his middle name is J, not John. Experts differ on whether this is true. His birth certificate says 'John,' but TrumpMama says on Xitter that he didn't just make it up and that everyone knows his middle name is just J."
Like, just say "Trump lied, again, about an easily checkable fact."
He also obviously didn’t write that. Whoever is his comms guy did it
"I know nothing about this thing I agree with in part."
Oh, good, we’re back to “if Trump says he doesn’t know about this fascist shit it’s totally reliable and he must not be involved.” Is it 2016 again already?
His first campaign speech had him come down an escalator and proclaim that Mexicans are mostly rapists, and the media focused on the escalator.
This is the same guy who inspired the name for Lyz Lenz’s newsletter so he’s a real peach of a fellow
One should refer to VandeHei as a “stooge,” not a journalist.
All these supposed political insiders feels like getting a meteorology report from someone looking out their window.
In a sane world, things like this would severely damage VandeHei's career. He's clearly not a fool, so this looks far too much like shoving his thumb on the scale for Trump.
•BE SMART it’s important for news executives to amplify the most obvious lies, to maintain good relationships with the nations most powerful citizens.
Doubly so since it's very simple to explain strategically in horserace terms -- he knows his coalition's policies are unpopular as campaign issues but have a chance of going broadly unnoticed by the electorate if they get outsourced to agencies and judges.
Anyone who’s got a pulse can tell that tweet wasn’t written by Trump so congratulations to the first zombie journalist
Whoever wrote that forgot the random Capitalizations, real low energy there.
Trump is on the record as of 2 years ago saying that he knew Kevin Roberts very well and had discussed Heritage's "very exciting" policy plans with him. This took me 5 minutes to find
"But I want to thank Kevin. He’s going to be so incredible, I know that for a fact, because I know what he did and where he came from and he’s going to be outstanding" -- Donald Trump in 2022 about the guy he's now claiming not to know
Trump Keynote Speech in Florida 4/21/22 | Donald Trump Delivers Keynote Speech in Florida 4/21/22. Read the transcript here.
I watched Vandehei this morning. He's all in for replacing Biden. Not an unbiased journalist.
It’s frustrating because it’s completely obvious what trump wants to do in downplaying 2025 and “simplifying” the gop platform. Zero specifics, broad generalizations (make America great again), can’t attack what isn’t there. Grifters thrive in ambiguity.
From a 2009 Charlie Rose show featuring a roundtable of then-Politico people, including Vandehei. I haven't trusted his POV since that show.
Hey Guys, I'm starting to think big media companies might not be here for the publics best interest. Almost like they just want to make money on horse race presidential races and 1 note gaffs! What do you guys think?
"I wish them luck" "Oh, wow. I guess he really buried that idea, huh!"
That's been the case for at least nine years now . . . in terms of political journalists. How long did it take to get the NYTimes to use the word "lie" in reference to Trump.
No he’s “seeking to distance” himself. It’s a thought-out tactic, you see. That’s not lying. It’s…something that’s not lying.
I suppose it could possible that Trump had ignored the Project 2025 briefing and truly doesn't remember what it is, and I doubt he's actually any more familiar with it now than before.
But he said he disagreed with some of it and agreed with some of it, so he can't claim he doesn't know about it.
Only thing is it’s clear he didn’t do that post bc you know he can’t spell “abysmal” lol But he’s the nominee. Even with his advanced age and cognitive impairment. This is the platform. Those are his advisors. It’s definitely #trump’sProject2025
How can you expect someone to remember what they wrote in an article 9 months ago?!
What's the estimate of demographics after you remove the groups of the voting populace who either 1) Already presume TFG is lying because the day ends in Y or B) Don't, and will never, care?
Yeah, but Jim VanderHei’s end of the day, platitude-soaked emails are always sooo meaningful.
They want to keep their jobs in case he gets back into power
This has been a problem all along, and now we have a dynamic where Biden is (fairly) expected to have a basic command of facts and figures and speak clearly, while Trump is expected to say whatever and know anything, because he's done that.