Bridge Club Q

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Bridge Club Q

Recovering restaurant owner, mom, PNW via Chicago, community theatre participant, voracious reader, pro-union and trans rights
I’m in! It sounds rad- congrats!
I was camping in a no cell service area until noon today. I was so confused by a few of the first messages that were coming through as we drove back into civilization. Took me a while to figure out what everyone was talking about!
Reposted byAvatar Bridge Club Q
I’m just saying if you are participating in any Dobbs action in a blue state, please also send a donation to an org in a banned one… We are hurting bad. Please don’t just use our pain to fundraise.
Reposted byAvatar Bridge Club Q
If they sell Infowars we need to petition John Oliver to buy it. Just saying.
This thread is an excellent TIL about one of my favorite movies.
Yup! Most notably Major Strasser himself: Conrad Veidt. Veidt's wife was Jewish. Having refused to divorce her he fled to Britain and then worked to get her and as much of her family as possible out. While in Hollywood, he was spending huge sums anonymously buying Xmas presents for kids in London.
We thought the same thing when we visited CDMX a couple years ago. Dogs EVERYWHERE (even sitting on chairs in sidewalk cafes!) and all so well behaved.
Community theatre is the best! Hard work, but I love playing pretend all the time.
Where I live too. I asked my library about it and they said it’s really expensive. So probably only bigger cities have access to it.
The new Yussef Dayes album is some excellent new jazz too. It’s my go to when I just need to bang out some work.
That one was devastating. Saw it in the theatre with my husband and a couple of his friends. They definitely thought it was going to be more John Wick like based on trailers, and then I ended up crying harder than I had any expectation of when I agreed to a fun night at the movies.
Agreed- a friend and I were talking over the weekend about how we could increase local news literacy. Since we don’t have radio station money, I suggested a zine. I think with the disappearance of local papers in smaller cities, this may be the way.
I saw it at the Music Box in Chicago about 25 years ago. Midnight show and there was a guy there who knew every step Byrne did. He stood in one of the aisles and danced his heart out. It was an amazing experience.
My daughter was SO disgusted with the music. 😂
I was just texting a friend this morning about this exact same issue. She was spiraling over the state of it all, and I was like “yeah. I’m gonna play in my garden and plan an awesome dinner and throw the ball for my dog a bunch since there’s not really anything I can do otherwise” 🤷‍♀️
SAME. They have the gall to put it on my recommended list and every time I see it I’m so angry.
I’m not sure about the Ashland one, but there are a couple train themed parks and museums in Medford. This website has links to quite a few Southern Oregon train clubs so maybe they have info about the Ashland one?
From my in town- right next to street light. Naked eye view was toned down from this, but still visible! What a cool experience! 🔭
I was irritated by this in the show too…
And Edith Frost’s Wonder Wonder and Joanna Newsom and Palace Music. Such a range.
I saw Shellac quite a few times in my Chicago youth. They terrified 15-22 year old me in a way that I couldn’t look away from. Albini produced so many records I think of as vital to my life. I was looking forward to seeing Shellac play again. RIP to a legend.
Shellac - Listen to Crow on TIDAL
My dad died at 61 10 years ago. Somehow that feels like an even younger age now than it did then.
Yeah I figured you formed it differently after. Lamination usually implies adding fat to the dough, so I was just clarifying. I’m always looking for better structure for sourdough so will definitely try this. Thanks for the tip!
You don’t actually add any fat though, do you? Just lamination in the shape you are making?
We have an ongoing discussion in my family over “bacon and eggs” vs “eggs and bacon”. Seems to be one of the few that is regularly flipped.
Wearing the shirt I got when I saw this show in Boston a couple weeks ago. I’ve been listening to Stephin for 30 years, so I was SO happy to see him live again. It was a great show.
A friend who is a realtor got a promotional email from the national branch of her realty agency today asking if they could pray for her. As she has a lot of trauma from growing up in a forced religious environment, this was very upsetting. I’m not sure how we walk all the fervor back fast enough…
Love the Baratza!! Their videos make it SO easy to fix it. I know someone who threw theirs away when it stopped working. I have never been more baffled.