GeektheFreakOut (she/her/xe/xem/xyr)

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GeektheFreakOut (she/her/xe/xem/xyr)

Reader of books, watcher of shows, writer of fics, and Mother of Dragons.
Jewish, asexual, and a patron of compassion. I ship lots of things.
Tumblr: Geekthefreakout
Twitter: NerdForce5
Because the thing is, Trump's people aren't wavering, and they won't waver. Who are you going to put in Biden's place that could unify the dems and everyone who opposes Trump? The left eats their own.
Too many dems are turning their backs on Joe Biden without talking about who the hell the alternative is. The only person I can think of that would have a ghost of a chance would be Bernie Sanders, and I don't think he'd go for it. Biden is our only way out this year.
hey babes just a reminder that ADHD and autism are disabilities and you can in fact seek accommodations for them in the workplace
I have a cousin who thinks that election day is the only real accountability a president needs and my god how is he still so blind. The face eating jaguars are gonna eat his face, and he'll swear that it's alright because the jaguars were elected.
Haven't been on in a minute. Forgot how much nicer this is than the bird site.
Popped back over to twitter for a sec, saw the timeline immediately flooded with Rowling's latest shit take. Immediately retreated back to Bluesky to take cover.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
I have a joke about Cassandra, but you won’t believe it
I have a joke about Sisyphus, it's not that funny but people keep asking me to tell it over and over again.
Biden can miss me with this BS. He knows its the cops that are escalating most of the time. He mentions antisemitism (a real issue) but not the fact that these students (with many Jews among them) are protesting against the genocide that he is helping to perpetuate.
I want Star Trek shows to have long seasons again. There needs to be room for those weird lil episodes that make you go "what the fuck" and are simultaneously the best and worst things you've ever seen on TV. Give these characters time to be freaks.
The Deep Space 9 to #LowerDecks TNG...
It's Always Sunny In The Alpha Quadrent would go HARD
Leaving milk and cookies out for Justin Timberlake's hair tonight.
This is very bad. And if, God forbid, they are hurt, those who have been gunning for more enforcement will be exposed for the danger they've put these students under. I cannot stand watching this unfold. Jews are not made safter this way, and we aren't advancing legit discussions on antisemitism.
NYU Gaza solidarity encampment just sent out an advisory saying administration has threatened “severe consequences” and “anything is on the table” if they don’t clear out. (via Talia Jane on Twitter)
Some useful context as you watch law enforcement on all these campuses is that even when universities have a student very credibly accused of rape, they almost never contact law enforcement.
Red and yellow tulips held a joint meeting and voted unanimously to continue being gorgeous.
i’m not sure who else needs to see this
me when i understand words and concepts
THIS! My mom was disappointed that it wasn't very dark, but the light was so different! The quality of it. I couldn't describe it, but it was very noticeable. It's only just gone mostly back to normal here.
My wife noticed the light getting weird before I did. It's so hard to describe; darker, yeah, noticeably so, but the *quality* of light is different, like going from natural sunlight to muted fluorescent. Feels weird.
you guys we talked about this
I wore my hair down today, which I don't usually do. One of my first graders looked at me and said "You look more weird today." I appreciate the "more" here, which implies that I always look at least a little weird, but the hair made it worse (or better).
So I'm student teaching in first grade, and I'm helping a kid spell out what makes him happy (beating his brother in Fortnite and DBZ games) and I was like "I also like beating my brother in DBZ" and now I'm gonna have to debate anime Takes with a 6 year old.
I'm so glad to see the dream come true for someone... hoping it comes true for me.
Speaking as someone who had student loans and paid them off WITH THE SWEAT OF MY OWN BROW — Fucking good, student loans are a scam and a betrayal of the American promise to our youth, get those loans forgiven and have one less financial noose around your neck
Tax-write offs of creative works should immediately make the work go into the public domain