
My college boyfriend worked in a psych lab with a doctoral student from Tel Aviv. He told me that she, along with the rest of her family, were Marxists, and very pro-Palestinian. That was VERY different than what I had been told of Israelis growing up!
I grew up in Ireland during The Troubles (though, thankfully in the Republic) and maybe because we consumed so much British media, but we definitely made the distinction between English people and British state actions. Americans don't have that same visibility with Israel, so things get skewed.
I'll say; I'm more surprised than I really should be, like I know logically that many Israelis don't support this, as with any people and their government. You just......don't see it.
That's very true. I mean, these are extraordinary circumstances but it's fantastic to see so many out to protest.
I went to elementary school in the 80s and a teacher who had lived there painted much more of a picture of kibbutzim and social democrats if not socialists, which was somewhat true, before the end of the cold war. Memory is hazy but this was probably just before Intifada 1
This is called an anecdote and not indicative of factual statistics of Israelis There are some very brave empathetic pro-Palestinian Israelis. There's sadly not that many of them. Most Israelis hate Netanyahu but not out of care for Palestinians.
If anyone should know that a people are not their government, it's the United States! 📌
I would hope that truth would be self evident :(
as she says in this video “We hope the world hears us, and knows that the people of Israel are not the government of #Israel. We don’t agree with the policy, we don’t agree with the way they behave and we want to have a different future.” Netanyahu Bibi #Netanyahu #Bibi
Thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv demand cease-fire and Netanyahu's Protesters are demanding the government reach a deal to bring the hostages back from Gaza, for new elections and the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Be...
Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the genocidal reality. Israeli settlers are terrorists. Israel is by far the most evil democracy on the planet. And we need to launch serious military strikes against those psychopaths.
We need to end the 80 year Christian crusade, featuring Jewish proxies.
I really thought that those anti-court overhaul protests were going to tear down that obviously self-serving coalition down to the studs last year, and I'll bet more and more people there wish it had
They're obviously antisemites
They're all Hamas, if the screwheads on Facebook are to believed
Obviously the US should send bombs to the IDF to flatten Tel Aviv with so many Hamas supporters in it.
That word no longer means anything after being used relentlessly in defense of mass indiscriminate murder of innocent people for 7 months.
Of course. Just as when the U.S. government commits genocide, stages coups, invades and occupies other countries, wages economic terrorism…none of that is “all Americans”. And just as in the United States, Israelis resisting the actions of their government are often punished for it.
The clips I've seen of Israeli anti-government protestors, beaten by Israeli cops, have been horrific. In one, a man is held face down by police, suspended in mid-air, while another knees him in the nose. No wonder Al Jazeera was shut down earlier today.
I have old college “friends” who say anyone who criticizes the Israeli military or government supports terrorism and are antisemites. Wonder how this news greets them.
In one ear and out the other, with no friction or necessity to divert path, in my experience.
"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~ Shepherd Derrial Book, "Firefly"
So... You're just quoting Joss Whedon, who is an unstable dumbass, fyi.
Try refuting the statement instead of the source.
This isn't formal rhetoric, it's bluesky, and "consider the source" is a perfectly reasonable approach to someone quoting an abuser.
You might also keep in mind that Whedon didn’t write that line for Ron Glass. The scriptwriter was Cheryl Cain, so she should correctly receive the attribution for the quote. Are you going to ascribe guilt by association? Dumbass.
The guy yelling for performative rhetoric goes to ad hominem at the drop of a hat. Get fucked.
Cool, bruh. Now refute the statement instead of the source. You don't get to wiggle out of it by saying "oh, it's just social media". Have cake or eat cake? You can't do both. So choose.
Tens of thousands of Israelis, weekly, daily, taking to the streets to protest Netanyahu and end his corruption and invasion to protect it. Somehow none of our AIPAC funded politicians can see it.
No need for a reminder. If there are 2 Jews in a room, how many opinions are there ? At least 3............
Good HEAVENS! I had no idea so many citizens of Israel were also secret members of Hamas!
"And if you think all Israelis support what they're country does, then I have some very bad news for you about U.S. foreign policy." - John Oliver
American Republicans seeing this: “I can’t believe how many antisemites are in Israel right now!”
Yeah, the same people who are utterly silent every time Trump spews some antisemitic trope questioning the "loyalty" of American Jews or re-tweets some antisemitic conspiracy theory.
okay but let's be real, a LOT of American Democrats would say absolutely the same thing. Let's not forget how Dem members of Congress voted to censure Rep Tlaib, or how Nancy Pelosi accused protestors of being Chinese agents.
This seems like the most basic, yet most important thing, but it gets lost, and the media won't say it. It's kind of like "support the troops" all over again.
I would like an acknowledgement of why they they are protesting and what they want afterwards before I start agreeing with you. There are Israelis out there who oppose the murder of children on principle, but that isn't the cause these protests are about. if anything it would clear a road for worse
They’re protesting for “bringing the hostages home.” Which isn’t protesting for anything but more mass indiscriminate genocidal violence. Israel needs to be destroyed. We need to end this 80 year crusade.
Also, are people now going to complain thar these isrealis are antisemitic? When will people get it? Genocide isn't acceptable.
This is a related peril to equating any criticism of that government with antisemitism, but the people who need to learn this lesson are entirely immune to it. FWIW I try to refer to the belligerents as "Likud" to distinguish their actions from the broader polity.
It's really nice to see that side getting seen by the media. They really made it feel like pro-ceasefire Israelis were an extreme minority.
Honestly it filled me with some real hope I’ve not had in awhile with this Horrific situation!
It’s really wild to see Israelis trying to occupy their own government
Trying, but unless they have some IOF on their side, not likely succeeding.