Geoffrey Cubbage

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Geoffrey Cubbage

Social Justice Worrier. Personal account; tweets are not representative of any employer (but are often nerdy about Chicago and/or local government). He/him
I see a lot of people asking questions about the history of attempted presidential assassinations on this app, and it’s telling me that not enough of you listened obsessively to Steven Sondheim’s “Assassins” during your formative years. Yes I turned out totally normal why are you asking.
lolll NYT standards desk asks reporters to please not call J.D. Vance a “son of Appalachia” (via Justin Baragona)
Morning everyone
I mean... - goes everywhere with his bachelor friend - keeps trying to prevent same friend from marrying - "she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me" ...I'm just saying
Maybe THIS will be the dumbest thing I read today: Florida’s education commissioner announced Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as a book of the month to “highlight the importance of American pride.” Can’t make this stuff up. H/t
It's an hour after City Council's start time and we've just announced four resolutions to be heard today, including one honoring NASCAR for their contributions to the city. Hope everyone had their coffee this morning.
Shawm is a fun word.
Today is Décadi the 30th of Messidor in the year 232. Messidor is the month of harvest. Today we celebrate the shawm.
Why would you be mad someone blocked you. “I can’t see someone I don’t like’s posts, and they can’t see mine!”. It seems like they’ve solved the problem for both of you
Chance the Snapper should spend six months of the year in Chicago, like our own crocodilian Persephone
I think nepobabies should at least get nepocancelled. Like if you got your job at msnbc because your dad's a senator then you get fired when the feds find out about his gold bars or whatever.
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Fuck it, I reskeet my bangers.
We built this city on rock and roll, so uh yeah there’s some subsidence issues.
Checking in on the union that represents most Chicago cops, the FOP's July newsletter uses its cover to proclaim freedom from the city's police oversight agency, which the union says is "putting chains" on police. Draw your own conclusions on the racial and historical implications there.
City council will not allow city council to consult city council's lawyers during city council meetings
On a 18-24 vote, City Council rejects a resolution that would have allowed them to consult with their own LRB lawyers on the floor during deliberations. At least a temporary victory for the Johnson administration, which worked hard to stop this move towards more independence.
Item up in Rules Committee right now would allow City Council's legal staffers (LRB) to be on the floor and give advice on parliamentary and legal questions during council meetings. Mayor's office supposedly worked the phones against it, and sent Law Dept. to testify against.
Instead set your sights on something achievable, such as a single city, like say Dallas.
i hate when people are making travel plans and say they are going to "do" a country. you will taste the merest sliver of a bite of a country you will not "do" it
Two questions: 1) does anyone else still regularly tune in for WFMT’s Midnight Special, and 2) am I having a stroke, or did tonight’s program start off with songs about U.S. states, by name, in alphabetical order, and then give up after Louisiana? That’s not even half the states.
I’m upset that I missed out on the existence of the PBR resort. Tons of beer, a Ferris wheel, concerts and five kinds of whitefish. Heavenly.
Let him cook
Science! Curse thee, thou vain toy; and cursed be all the things that cast man’s eyes aloft to that heaven
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Trying to write an Instagram caption-length blurb about Carrie Austin is proving nearly impossible because of the number of layers in the corruption onion that feel worth discussing. This might end up having to be a full-fledged blog post instead.
The Nerve Center of A Dead The 34th Ward Centre was once home to a powerful machine-linked political operation, but today it sits empty and the 34th ward has been moved downtown
You know the whole “if you don’t kick out the Nazi, suddenly you’re the Nazi bar” anecdote? Brewdog’s the Nazi bar.
It's Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" day! Rock on, all who observe!
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
Me every time I’m trying to catch public transit back from the Music Box.
Love that Apple Music went ahead and made their own dedicated classical streaming service, which among other features recommends "editor's choice" versions of various pieces... ...which may or may not actually be available to stream on the app at the time you happen to be using it.
Your periodic reminder that public toilets have been a mature technology for, depending on how widespread and continuous of an implementation you’re looking for, anywhere from 200 to 3,000+ years.
in ann arbor (michigan) they're doing a pilot program where they pay a tech company $500,000 to put out fancy portable toilets that require a smartphone to scan a QR code to access
A note on transparency under Mayor Brandon Johnson: City Hall stonewalled us on FOIA until we sued them, and a top Department of Family and Support Services staffer told city contractors not to talk to me. The Police Superintendent and Johnson declined interview requests.