
I've seen a fair amount of "so we just need to have our people become the dicators instead of Trump and his ppl" arguments made in earnest by some people on here and I really do think they need to take a step back and think for a moment about what they are saying.
The entire point of Bidens speech wasnt that "one president shouldnt have this power but others would be ok" it was that the presidency *shouldnt have this power period* & that it must be rejected. It is antithetical to the very idea of democracy.
I know that this site is repleat with nerds, so I'll use this analogy: there is a reason why Tolkien in LotR leaned in over and over and over again into the idea that there was no possible way to weild corrupting absolute power in a "good" way and that instead it must be rejected entirely.
The "Biden should drone strike SCOTUS" folks should talk to the "you're saying every election is the most important one" folks If the president has that power then yes, every election is the most important, forever
One reason you shouldn’t engage in political violence is that you might get killed in response. Another reason is that, absent any alternative, it’s morally wrong. The fact that democrats care about the latter isn’t a shortcoming, it’s part of why they are the party it’s acceptable to support.
The president went out tonight and basically said "I reject the power being offered to become an unaccountable dictator and I think its dangerous to even be offered" and there are ppl that are pressed by that! Like, do they not get what happens if this new lawlessness is legitimized by Dems?
I guess when you’ve committed enough to the “do something” bit you stop caring if the something is murder.
"Why doesn't Biden just use the Ring?"
Ok so he rejects it (as he should) But what plans do Democrats have for reining in this Court? Because I sure as shit haven't heard any.
Once again I say, the response to fascism is not to fascism harder and better
In seriousness though, I think there's a very strong argument to be made to violate pure norms in pursuit of protecting actual laws. Court reform needs to be an incredibly high priority.
I've seen it and assumed those skeets were all sarcasm.
There are absolutely some that are sarcastic, but I've seen plenty that seemed quite serious both here and on the other site. Its in line generally with a mentality that is pervasive on social media in particular of "why wont the pro-rule party break the rules like the anti-rule party"
Oh dear lord. I know "when they go low, we go high" didn't work, but there's really no need for us to become, you know, the them that go low. Sigh.
Right. I get that its just internet chatter so not too much value in getting really riled up by it, but I'm always really perplexed by ppl who dont get why Democrats, who have made being the rule followers a big part of their deal, generally decline to behave like Republicans.