Glimmer Fish

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Glimmer Fish

Pfp: a mustard betta fish
Banner: rocks/glimmer list/new leaf

#Glimmer✨: Opposite of a “trigger”

Glimmers are sensory experiences that help to down-regulate the flight or fight response. They create a sense of calm, relaxation, comfort, or satisfaction
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#EmotionalSupportSpood A little Tutelina "Crested" (currently undescribed) boy from this morning, showing off his little blue chelicerae 💙 Goodnight y'all 🌿 🕷️
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In support of Morale - a brief essay on #glimmers by Fen Duradìn ☺️ To all #neurodivergents (and maybe some folx who aren’t!) during this #Disability Pride Month: Light yourselves up! For morale 😉
You need this today. For morale.
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Or after the oil companies that cause them. Hurricane Chevron Hurricane Exxon Hurricane Shell
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I made spiced coffee at midnight and sipped it sitting in the moonlight. For morale!
You need this today. For morale.
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During our wedding we had someone announce, “Freakazoids, please report to the dance floor!” over the loudspeaker
You know what? No one winds up freakazoids anymore. What have we become?
Glimmer for morale, y’all. ✨For morale✨
📷🐛Common Sanddragon (Progomphus obscurus). Dragonflies are short lived, but chomp down on those pesky mosquitoes.
Two fairly common early season dragonflies - adult females & males - Widow skimmers & Common whitetails ##Invertebrates #Dragonflies
Dragonflies and damselflies are out in force guarding their pond-side territory. 99° that feels like 105° in DC. #CapitolHillBackyards
The earliest fossils of dragonflies date back to the Carboniferous period, around 325 million years ago. They have remained relatively unchanged all these years, except that they have gotten smaller. They used to be huge. I see a proliferation of these white-bodied ones in the alpine boreal forest.
Good morning lovelies! These are from yesterday when I was on a butterfly count and found more dragonflies early on. Thinking of you Marianne and everyone else who loved dragonflies. 💜
ID: Blue Dasher (m) versus Eastern Pondhawk (m) - lovely blue abdomens distract people from the correct ID! KEY clue: Blue Dasher have a black & yellow striped thorax & a white face; adult E. Pondhawk have a green face, a greenish-bluish thorax (rarely a black stripe) #Inverts
Eastern Amberwings - small jeweled dragonflies. The males with their glowing orange wings are typically in loose, zooming packs around good perching spots (musical sticks in water) - females are not seen as often (which seems to be true of most species) #Inverts #Dragonflies 🌿
Landon brought back a dozen or so cactus paddles from TX. We’ve got pots going and recently transplanted new cuttings to the yard. The dragonflies approve.
Wish I had a better camera for these moments. Gorgeous dragonfly in the back yard. Iridescent blue/green with those black wings. Flitted about more than most dragonflies that love to hover.
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#BirdGlimmers #chubberfluff
Is what i call our wild bird babies 😁 This, for example, is an extremely angry looking mockingbird chubberfluff immediately following fledging. She needed some help avoiding predators for the first hour or so, but took off with mama soon after.
Is what i call our wild bird babies 😁 This, for example, is an extremely angry looking mockingbird chubberfluff immediately following fledging. She needed some help avoiding predators for the first hour or so, but took off with mama soon after.
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Yes, good. Maybe by the time the whale probe comes to check on them, they'll have more to say than "fuck those humans."