Goldstein the Hon

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Goldstein the Hon

“While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” -Eugene Debs

Fiat justitia ruat caelum
What about when you need to bazooka?
A family what?
A few months ago a FUNBAG reader asked if I cared when I used the family barf bowl as just a normal cooking bowl when it was off duty, and I said no. But ever since then, anytime I’ve cooked with the barf bowl, I’ve thought to myself okay yeah this bothers me
Sometimes. Time blindness is a symptom of several disorders (and I have more than one of them).
This can't be real. I mean, I get that someone somewhere said this, but I do not believe that this could be a seriously supported proposal. Getting cultural icons to moderate debates is a seriously galaxy brained idea and any half serious person has to realize that.
what the fuck is this sorkin-brain shit?
I actually think the Prequel Trilogy isn't too bad if you watch The Phantom Edit version.
George Lucas in 1999 making a movie about how the senate and Supreme Court are hopelessly corrupt:
I'll be real though: NATO will let Japan and Australia in before Ukraine.
Long elections waste immense amounts of money. they harass potential voters into apathy. They play into the horse-race, scandal-fed view of politics that feeds deeply unserious media coverage. They NOT INCIDENTALLY make it difficult/impossible for campaigns to deal with last-minute surprises.
note how long it took the French from calling the election to holding not 1 but 2 votes? and organizing the shit out of the second one? LESS THAN ONE MONTH A national election does not have to be a painful 1.5-2 year process! the US election campaign should quite honestly not even have started yet!!
If you like superhero shows, I recommend it. Or satires. But part of the satire is the ultra-violence. Neither event I described was violently portrayed, but you there are tons of scenes of blood, guts and organs splattering in outrageous ways.
Watching The Boys. Season 4. And I have two questions about consent. 1) Did Frenchie rape that dude by concealing their history to him? 2) Can Sage meaningfully consent after receiving a lobotomy despite the lobotomy being part of the sex?
I sense a preference for thickness from you.
Belgian Waffle Supremacist culture is real and needs to be dismantled.
Sounds like something from Johnathan Swift.
I always watch my mouth around Belgian waffles. Lest one accidentally enter it.
Belgian waffles, you have to stop. Your pockets are too deep, your dough is too fluffy, your swag too different. They'll kill you.
If Belgian waffles didn't want me to hate them, they shouldn't be so fluffy. That's all I'm saying.
Okay, but that's actually a pretty awesome term. If I were 16 that'd definitely make me want a smaller wheel.
It really was! They were just ignorant, not mean. I think they walked away from that conversation understanding that they had been miseducated their whole lives. It was sorta shocking for me because like...that SEEMS like deliberate antagonism. But she was really a sweet old lady.
Yeah Corn Dad was all "I'm such a good husband" in the skeets and "Hey, baby wanna see my dick?" in the Discord.
What if I DO hate waffles though? But only the Belgian kind?
This feels like a commentary on single motherhood.