
six kids is a lot for any normal parent, it’s absurd to pretend that musk is any kind of actual father (in the parenting sense) of six children *in five years*, he’s a fucking deadbeat dad with money
New secret Musk baby just dropped
I feel like deadbeat dad is probably a best case scenario for Elon Musk, but he's certainly doing a sorry job of demonstrating the virtue of his pronatalism
His current attempt at being publicly seen as a parent is almost certainly a deliberate "fuck you" to Grimes in their custody battle. And I fully expect they'll get fobbed off full time to nannies & boarding schools only to see him a few times a year once that's over with.
Seems pretty obvious that Musk is a "refuses to use birth control guy" coupled with "shameless manipulator guy" in a way that we recognize isn't sexual assault but comes right up to that line.
Most of the kids were conceived through IVF. It's a breeding fetish distilled such that even the intercourse has been removed.
Right and I feel like articles should honestly make this more apparent. I don’t want to shame reproductive technology (I use it myself!) but like, this is really weird what he’s doing with it
yeah, i wish they’d remove the verb father from it, because he’s more just donating sperm because he thinks he’s such a superior being that we need more like him
It’s sure going to be exciting to be one of his 87 children when he is old and starts dangling “do you want to inherit my empire” over them
Exactly. The protonatalism has always felt like a slap dash excuse to cover for just the weirdest breeding kink imaginable.
Well it does seem that his own kink is in confluence with his belief that white people should have as many kids as possible.
i would take the over on that number honestly
I bet there's at least another 3-4 we haven't heard about yet, since he's basically just donating sperm.
Look parenting is tough when you have to be in a khole by six pm to cope with the stress of being extremely wealthy.
That’s what gets me, like I too have been known to enjoy the occasional mind altering substance (tea, etc) but gave that up when I had a small kid!
He keeps hoping he’ll have one that doesn’t grow up to despise him but is sort of missing the mechanism there
I see nothing to make me think his kids are anything but a cost center to him
Also remember that classic book "Cheaper By the Dozen"? Which later as we all know became a 🎥
The media taking his “pro kids” thing at face value is masking the possibly worse baked-in assumption of IQ being real and… that whole bag
I feel like this framing of Musk as personally fighting the fertility crisis is strange. Men aren’t the limiting factor here. Per women he’s barely beating replacement rate with a surprising number of multiples as well.
That said his companies do cover IVF
Female Elon having 12 kids with 5 guys is kind of a funny thought though. Just constantly preggo since the launch of the model S
rhodesian Nick Cannon but the stock market likes him because he promises to make the car from back to the future within 18 months (never does this)
Musk is nothing more than a sperm donor
Of his baby mamas I wholeheartedly hate Zillis the most. Serial monkey killing ghoul.