
my favorite part of this is that the author's view part of it just skips entirely over the part where you have to get oprah, michelle and barack obama, bill clinton, taylor swift and others to play along, like this is just a silly little thing, it's like reading a 5 year old's tea party guest list
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
of course, the author's a right wing ratfucker, so it doesn't surprise me that she thinks this is how it works
And here I thought right wingers were against ranked choice voting.
“probably stands little chance of being implemented” understatement of the year here folks
You'd probably have an easier time assembling a new constitutional convention
Once again I don’t complain these people have agenda-setting power I complain that they are too stupid to use it well.
i liked playing with action figures as a child too.
I’m sure all of those people would be happy to sign up for “possibly the dumbest idea of all time which could enable the rise of fascism in America,” none of them have personal brands or anything like that
Ah yes, genius idea, choose the candidate in a nonbinding vote whose result the delegates can in no way be forced to abide by in the actual binding vote, what an idea.
"Look Taylor, I know you're rather busy on your world tour but....we just think you'd be good as an adjudicator."
These people need to find something else to be entertained thats not politics. This is not a fucking game. Peoples lives are on the line , litterly Watch Sports if you want to games . Most people want boring politics they don't have to think about every single day.
"And Sofia Vergara will give Blanx a handy."
As I've heard said at the other site, this is the most fun they've had in four years.
Kamala is the only one who gets the over $100 million in campaign donations. These fucks are so damn stupid and dangerous.
"How effective was Rock The Vote and Vote Or Die? 100%?"
"If Democrats could simply Rock Against Bush, Biden's successor would walk right into the presidency."
I had a response (below) on the PG-13 platform to that rubbish article. Is it really impossible for people to actually think this stuff all the way through before putting their names on a story that's such trash?
My favorite part of this excerpt is "there would probably be a bunch of knife fighting" in a piece that is trying to dig a knife INTO Biden. There's no probably here. The people willing to force out Biden are also willing to do anything to get their person IN.
Once the knifes come out they don't go back in until the rumble is over
Unity! Oh, no. Unity? Eh. Unity. Magic word for some reason! Syncing alignment of perfection!