Phil Dore

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Phil Dore

Mental health nurse. Green Party supporter. Wales. He/him. Pro-EU. Pro-Ukraine. Pro-Eurovision. Dysgu Cymraeg.

Check out my podcast Eurovision Wars on Spotify. It's about Eurovision and war.
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A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Same same.
I haven't used my optimism muscle in over a decade and it hurrrrts
Projections are saying that the far-right will not only fail to get a majority in France, but will actually come third. I can't handle all this good news the past few days. It's very unsettling.
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The best time to wake up was yesterday. The second best time is now. Ever wondered what you would have done during the rise of German fascism in the 1930s? Whatever you’re doing now.
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
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I saw Suede in December and about halfway through I remember thinking “I hope I have as much energy as Brett when I’m in my mid-50s” then paused and realised I’ve never had as much energy as him in my life so it seems unlikely.
For a 56 year old guy who spent the 90s taking enough drugs to kill a rhino, Brett Anderson really has aged well.
The Manic Street Preachers and Suede were both amazing in Cardiff Castle last night. Made me remember why I fell in love with both bands all those years ago.
The Manic Street Preachers and Suede were both amazing in Cardiff Castle last night. Made me remember why I fell in love with both bands all those years ago.
Just watched Keir Starmer's speech. It was very things can only get better in due course subject to managing expectations.
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...And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Liz Truss! PORK MARKETS!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
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A lot of analysts seem to be puzzled why global oil demand is not growing as expected. Just one of life’s great mysteries, I guess
Unthinkable just a few years ago: Almost 20% of all cars sold in 2024 are predicted to be electric vehicles. BNEF expects global EV sales to reach 16.6 million in 2024.
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Fuck all about women's rights is the answer. Nothing about equal pay, opportunities, training, childcare, reproductive rights, *actual* sexual predation (rather than theorical), domestic abuse, menopausal support or mental health. But a whole heap of bullshit about toilets.
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Before he resigned over Gaza, Army Maj. Harrison Mann was a senior Mideast analyst in the Defense Intelligence Agency. With an all-out Israel-Hezbollah war looming, he walked me through what the next phase of escalation could look like. And it’s *real* scary.
Harrison Mann on Escalation in the Middle The U.S. Army major and intelligence analyst recently resigned over Gaza. With Lebanon in the balance, he walks FOREVER WARS through some nightmare scenarios
For all the attention on Farage's appalling comments about the Ukraine war, I worry that the effect will be less that it'll diminish people's opinions on Farage and more that it'll normalise the Kremlin rhetoric he's been spouting.
If only this were actually true.
Sunak actively campaigning for Labour now:
Sunday at #Glasto. The gates don't open until Wednesday but there's plenty of crew onsite. It seems quite popular to pop up to the Stone Circle for a snooze or a moment of zen.
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Funny how all the major parties led by straight men wring their hands about how the supposed need to "protect" women and LGBs from the transes, but the one party leader who actually is an LGB woman says that's bullshit. Almost as if that suggests something...
Green Party's Carla Denyer: Trans rights do not threaten my rights as a Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer has stood firm that "trans rights in society do not threaten my rights as a woman, at all”.
I'm onsite at #Glasto where I'm volunteering over the next week. I'm not allowed to post any pics of the arena so as not to spoil any surprises, but I think I cam get away with this lovely pic of last night's sunset over the Oxfam campsite.
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When times are tough, just remember..
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I visited Rapa Nui some years ago. Some of the locals were positively indignant about the "mystery" nonsense from Western archaeologists and rightly so. It remains one of my favourite places in the world.
The four sweetest words in the English language. Out Of Office Autoreply. From this evening I'll be at the #Glasto site, where I'll be volunteering Sunday to Tuesday, then hanging around afterwards to enjoy the show. 🥳
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Are you climate change? Because I can't breathe and about to die omg you're so hot
*nods in Green Party*
Lib Dems were short changed by FPTP for a hundred years. Expect massive whinging from Reform & Tories 5/Jul when they are short changed but once.
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Tina Turner was deeply mysterious. For instance, she never says what the first handy motion is
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Bold take from The Economist in last issue: “Solar cells will in all likelihood be the single biggest source of electrical power on the planet by the mid 2030s.”
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Everyone’s mourning Donald Sutherland by naming really great movies, and I want to point out that he was also the best thing, often the single redeeming thing, in some lousy movies that people still love because Donald Sutherland.
Same. He may have been once a brave and grounbreaking thinker, but he descended into tankie nonsense a long time ago.
Your regular reminder that I personally loathe Noam Chomsky for the reprehensible things he said in apologia for the Khmer Rouge - and has never really taken back. He was no friend to the Cambodian people. (Not to mention his stance on Ukraine).
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the internet can provide me with a sandwich. i can buy a sandwich on an app. ai will never produce nor procure me a sandwich
I hear Cardiff city centre is now covered in a fine dust of sequins this morning. Anyway, hope you had a good time Swifties. I'll catch her next year at Download when she's in her grindcore era.