Guy Forget

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Guy Forget

This is the moment you dream about when you find out that Chotiner interviewed Bernie
Phish’s tiny desk warmed my cold, cynical hippie heart. Phish at their stripped down, intimate best.
That’s a terrible match rate, too. I’ve gotten many texts just today about 700% match rates, and of course donated to all of them!
Reposted byAvatar Guy Forget
Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
Reposted byAvatar Guy Forget
/4 This is not a call for despair or surrender. The country has been through terrible things. Fight with the means appropriate to the occasion, work to protect and defend people weaker than you, and agitate, agitate, agitate. Never let them be totalitarian without being called out as totalitarian.
Reposted byAvatar Guy Forget
Reposted byAvatar Guy Forget
In Opinion “I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected,” Senator Bernie Sanders writes in a guest essay, adding: ”With an effective campaign that speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly.”
Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
Reposted byAvatar Guy Forget
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
He was one of the best things about this app. This sucks. Just a friendly reminder to avoid being a dick (not that I suspect that anyone who follows me ever is one)
Fuck every single one of you who bullied Jamelle Bouie from this app. What the hell is wrong with you?
And maybe most crazy, the *same songs* that come across as decent rock songs, recorded decently at best, are some of the most transcendent live!
Between that and telling everyone to take off their mask on day 3 of the pandemic, it’s clear that Phish is now a right wing band
It’s not my area of expertise, tbh.
Crosstab diving is a dangerous thing; I would not recommend it.
In the latest NYT/Siena poll, 75% of Biden voters plan to support him again, vs 88% of Trump voters. That’s much closer to what’s happening in other polls. (Part of it is that the NPR undecided number is very oddly low)
The new NPR poll, which is Biden’s best poll, has 83% of 2020 Biden voters voting for Biden, and 88% of 2020 Trump voters voting for Trump. As a pollster myself, the numbers I’m seeing are significantly worse.
One of the more useful things the polls can tell us right now is a direct result of this being a rematch: we can break down people’s vote intentions by who they voted for last time, and see that voters on one side are sticking with their candidate, and on the other side they’re not.
Yup, it’ll be bad no matter who it is, to be sure! We’re not choosing between great options here, sadly. (In fact, we’re not choosing at all!)
Also the problem is that even the most innocent, non-age-driven slip-ups will result in days of front page headlines in every news outlet in a race in which we desperately need to be generating positive coverage for our candidate.
It does help that the Biden campaign is literally blasting “Google Project 2025” across their socials. A savvy move that hopefully has the side benefit of editors seeing these trends and it helping reshape their coverage.
The 99.99% of their fans who got into them long after they played to audiences that small are all very jealous!
Trey is the king of aggro-snark. The only way I can make this story make sense is if he said no because he refused to be out-aggro-snarked.
(Or now that I read through the thread, maybe this was a joke)
Wow, today is a big day for very-much-not-Phish posters randomly posting about Phish in my feed! This gentleman is a great read on legal issues in the news. Follow him!
We were lined up to open for Phish, but Trey met me and decided that our aggro-snark vibe just would not work for their crowd. They went with Spin Doctors instead.
If you’re looking for great commentary on linguistics and the issues of the day, and maybe a Phish post every decade or two, give Nick a follow!
Opening riff from Mike's Song randomly floated up from the depths of my mind. Haven't heard it in ~25 years. Took a while to track down the version I know (Slip Stitch and Pass). Turns out I remember nearly the whole thing. (this tweet for