
They never suffer consequences so they never learn.
that a wild thing to see when i turned on golf this morning
"We're not gonna talk politics" to a kid like JESUS FUCKING CHRUST BRO. Bet he beat his own kids extra that night
And his baby mama too, just to be sure.
Cops are simultaneously major DV perps and also know the locations of the DV shelters.
Yeah when I reported my rape and assault to LAPD they said "well aren't you married to him" all cops are fucking BASTARDS Rapists Pedophiles Abusive motherfuckers
That's awful. I'm sorry that happened to you.
My wife was being stalked. We reported to the police who said (a) she should be flattered and (b) they couldn’t do anything since he hadn’t done anything (hello, trespass??) Anyway two weeks later the guy was arrested an hour and a half away for attempted kidnapping and human trafficking.
The kid just said the man was lying down and handcuffed. He never even mentioned resisting. That's how automatic it is for cops to cover for each other. Even with no other information, in a probably generalised example scenario: the guy was resisting and the cops had no choice but to beat him down.
Interesting - but not at all surprising - that he thinks of a question about police brutality as "politics". I mean, obviously it *is* political - among other things - but that's how he dismisses the topic? (Also, someone get the kid a job as a journalist. Good follow-up.)
This is something I’ve noticed a lot. People inclined towards RW authoritarianism don’t see their own personal politics as being politics *at all*.
Yup. And so they see any disagreement with them as "making it political". (Even though the Republican Party *thrives* on politicizing things that many of us might think of as basic humanity. E.g., "police brutality is bad".)
They've rationalised their ideology into absolute objective truth and assume it is impossible for any genuine human being to disagree.
Some have, definitely. But I think a lot of others just never thought about it all that much.
Oh it isn't always thought of in those terms, it's often reduced to just 'obvious common sense'.
But it leads to the same effect. The inability to recognise disagreement as genuine.
"Your politics consist of those things which you consider outside the realm of politics." - Jerry Holkins That people need to be controlled by "better" people is self-evident to an authoritarian, as much as the contrary "all men are created equal" is self-evident to a liberal democrat.
Authoritarians DO need to essentially be controlled by better people.
Authoritarians need to exist within systems that constrain authoritarianism.
Yeah. Keeping authoritarians out of positions of power is good, but better would be minimizing positions of power. (Paraphrasing someone, possibly Rebecca Solnit.)
Interesting. It's kind of the way privilege only works when it's really working -- the privileged don't even notice it. It is merely the normal order of things. Once it's been named, once you're aware of it, it's not really working any more.
This is probably why so many people try so hard to deny privilege exists. (Or alternately, embrace it as some kind of natural order of things.)
And also why they're so angry -- because having to deny it is having to be aware of it.
This but also applied to everything. They will say something like, “I shouldn’t know what kinda sex you like if your not my friend” and then when they see a man and woman kissing it is fine but a man and a man kissing violates that rule.
Conservatives think everything that disagrees with their emotional conception of themselves is “politics”. They don’t believe anyone could possibly disagree, they’re just being contrary to be mean and combative, and score points. The authoritarian mindset is a trip through a dank and dark place.
They want to be at the top of a little hierarchy, like they were in high school. We need something like permanent high school that we can stick these guys in, to keep them out of our way.
Honestly if it can’t be ‘voted’ on/down/out it ain’t politics
yep, he's just a footsoldier the maintenance of his own powerbase in the background by his betters isn't in his pay grade, he's literally too stupid just there for the free coffee and uncontrolled violence
My girls are 14 and 11, and if they and their friends are any indication, the kids are, in fact, alright.
My kid and their friends are so much better than I and my friends were at that age
Seriously. Better, smarter, more put together than I ever was in middle school. Just shockingly well adjusted. My nieces and nephews who are in their late teens/early 20s are the same way.
Acknowledging that mental health exists has had an amazing cross generational impact.
Interesting the cop assumes the handcuffed person is being assaulted by cops.
He's also "resisting arrest," despite being handcuffed and face-down while police are kicking him.
the political position cops would like us to assume is lying handcuffed face down on the ground.
Well not like as in "I'm so satiated by this submissive posture I'm not even gonna kick this guy in the head" like, but ...
The police department is offering $10,000 for any information about the kid who murdered this cop
And targets anyone who "matches description of suspect"
Columbus resident here and I'm pretty sure stats show our department is one of the deadliest in the country so this checks out. Good on that kid
Never forget that cops are bad people. The ones you 'think' aren't bad, don't do anything about the bad ones they 100% know of.
That pretty much sums up Republican voters as well…
Authoritarian homes ruin people It's just a fact
Chip away at the myths they kill us with.
The best part of this, is how easy it is Oh, a mob of tweenagers can alter the course of blockbuster movie productions now? What can a mob of the ones w the least to lose do to regular old reality then? Bc pretty sure they can demand a functional society, if we can show em what "done looks like"
KID: He's face down and can't breathe. Why are you kicking him? COP: We are administering chest compressions.
Oh god, now I'm wondering if you could perform chest compressions by foot. Doing it effectively for more than a few minutes is exhausting. Your arms are locked and you're using your body weight, but legs have more power available. Is it just the optics of stamping on someone's chest?