
it is absolutely wild to see people on this website repeatedly insist that joe biden is personally responsible for local administrative and law enforcement behavior on college campuses while donald trump is specifically promising to deport them for protesting.
i mean, i get it, i don't want to argue about how "just saying biden would be better isn't an argument", but like, look, trump is telling you, in black and white, what he thinks about everything and everyone and what he would do about it if he got the WH back, and we would be wise to believe him
One thing I think about sometimes is: social media websites are places to Talk About Stuff, and the presidential election is a huge Thing to Talk About; but we already deeply know who both candidates are, so the Talk is all unusually, profoundly pointless. Non-assholes all gonna vote for Joe Biden
that's a big part of it, there's also a tendency on social media sites for people to make their own antisocial personality traits seem more acceptable/less odious if they can frame them in a political context
come on, it's just as common in the flesh world, it's just the people you are talking about would never actually say any of the shit in a venue where they might face consequences beyond a block
I wish I could be comforted by that. Dems who vote their Purity Principles are not "non-assholes." One of the reasons the Rs win more than they should, they aren't stupid that way.
trump, if he gets reelected, is so going to shoot a journalist on 5th avenue.
I feel like the error bar on the number of journalists he's going to shoot here is bigger than Trump Tower.
He will egg some idiot on to do his dirty work for him. Same as he always does. This isn’t brain surgery.
It won't be his first act. But maybe 12-24 months later when he's beaten down media as a whole.
I know which one is more likely to listen to Tom Cotton saying "just shoot the commie bastards."
Don’t worry, the people on here will figure out a way to say that’s Biden’s fault.
NYT headline 5/31/2026: Trump just ordered the national guard to fire on protestors, here’s how that’s bad for biden
And I call bullshit on "Biden would be better" isn't an argument. Dems are our own worst enemy
oh, i think it *is* an argument, it's just not one that works on the kind of person who pisses and moans about it.
Is there any hope for the pisser and moaner? I'd be interested to hear the argument that does work.
Probably not. You may console yourself that such people have fashioned elaborate moral justifications for not voting, thus loudly disempowering themselves.
It’s just four years of open, unrepentant, unrestrained fascism, Michael, how bad can it be? Isn’t a little pain know better than more pain later
Honestly it’s not so much the four (more) years of Trump I worry about. It’s the Federalist Society getting to choose replacements for Thomas and Alito
Same!! That’s my biggest one. If Trump gets to replace them it’s Game Over for 10-15 years minimum
They fail to grasp that Trump and fascism really have a constituency, that there isn't some fragile ruling class responsible for all ills that can be defeated by breaking the false consciousness of the workers. That you vote against Trump and against *the fascist mob* with the same ballot.
It’s like going into battle and your partner plans to help you fight by hiding and praying
Certainly every single human who said his first term wouldn't be what it was needs to stand down. :/
But that would be putting a finger on the scale
why can trump get police, who cried when he lost, to assassinate someone but biden can’t get police to stop beating up protesters 🤔🤔
Perhaps it's because in this context, the police 'want' to do that stuff, whereas they 'do not want' to stop. think of you doing something that's bad for you like eating junk food, versus stopping eating junk food. which one is easier to do?
my question was not sincere
It’s like Schrödinger’s discourse: everything is both rhetorical and actual at the same time
Most Americans regard the President as a guy to be mad at, even when there’s not much to be mad at.
im sorry i have morals and my morals say too bad for everyone trump promises to hurt thats a them problem not a me problem
That's exactly it. They believe that by abdicating choice they also absolve themselves of responsibility. If Trump is elected and bad things happen, they'll be angry, but won't feel responsible. And they get to look down on anyone who chose a lesser evil. They can't lose, but everyone else can.
I also think those guys dramatically underestimate their odds of being on the receiving end of a Trump grievance tour
Bingo. Even if they don’t consciously acknowledge it, deep down they believe "the bad stuff" won’t happen to their privileged ass, so they’re okay with letting it happen to other people.
Peak "I never thought the leopards would eat *MY* face"
If this site has proven anything to me, it's that out high-school civics courses are woefully underpreparing people for actual civic engagement.
These folks don’t want to be educated, they want to be mad.
Goes to show they're being no different than the MAGA crowd.
Counterpoint: tons of these same people will talk about how "they didn't teach us about x terrible part of America's history in school!" and then be immediately followed by people in a similar geographic and demographic cohort pointing out that yes, they did
They believe Trump will never take away their most favorite thing: Their poasts.
Yes. But also there are literally businesses in India and Russia (probably US too) who are being paid to stir up trouble on social media.
Honestly if they keep it up I’ll start agreeing with the deportation policy.
Not to pick on you, cause I’m sure you didn’t mean this, but this is a core problem. People have lost faith in Biden/Democrats/the electoral process because they do not believe that anyone has their best interests at heart regardless of who wins. This sort of comment only reinforces that.
We need to be reassuring people that we will fight for them regardless of who wins, but that it will be a damn sight easier if Trump isn’t at the wheel (and ramming us all straight into a building at top speed). Not dismissing them as collateral.
Okay, but nobody here's a Democratic campaign agent and we shouldn't live our lives like we are. We are people, not mortal vessels for a political tendency, ideology, or broader ethnic group.
Then ignore me. This all rests on the assumption that you want to influence behavior toward a specific outcome.