

“More than 2 million farmworkers play a vital role in sustaining the American agricultural industry and in feeding families across the United States … research shows that farmworkers are 35 times more likely to die from heat-related stress than workers in other industries.” #WeFeedYou
“Extreme heat is more dangerous for workers every year. Federal and state governments should step up efforts—including adopting heat standards—to address increased on-the-job heat-related injury, illness, and death.” www.americanprogress.org/article/extr... #WeFeedYou
Extreme Heat Is More Dangerous for Workers Every Yearwww.americanprogress.org Federal and state governments should step up efforts—including adopting heat standards—to address increased on-the-job heat-related injury, illness, and death.
This AP tweet is an instant candidate for the Museum of American Fascism. Carve it in stone and put it over the entrance. It should be an enduring source of burning shame and embarrassment for the entire organization, as well as a warning to other media
Texas’ GOP calls for an amendment to ensure Republicans always win statewide elections by requiring candidates to win a majority of counties. Texas has 254 counties. Half its population lives in just 7 of them. Trump won 232 of counties, but the 22 counties Biden won contain 58% of Texas residents
NEW: The Texas GOP's proposed platform calls for laws requiring the Bible in schools, an electoral college-style system that'd lock Democrats out of statewide office, says gender-transition care is "child abuse" and wants silver/gold declared as currency and government transparency on UFOs.
Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral…www.texastribune.org The platform was voted on Saturday, with tallies expected next week. Other planks call abortion homicide and gender-transition care “child abuse.”
People are missing the larger story behind the "unified Reich" video: It's undeniable that on many fronts, Trump and MAGA are experimenting with how far they can go with overtly fascist/authoritarian modes of politics. It's a test. 1/ New piece from me: newrepublic.com/article/1818...
Awful New Info About Trump and “Reich” Video Shows Deep MAGA Sicknessnewrepublic.com Yes, the campaign took down the “Unified Reich” video. Meanwhile, Trump and his allies are aggressively seeding the discourse with fascistic language that’s much, much worse.
Read the subhed below. Think, have you seen a single story that looks like this under Biden, in any outlet? (the Dow just hit 40,000 for the first time in history under him)
Harris Poll: 56% of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession--and most blame Biden: 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year (up ~24% in 2023 & >12% this yr) 49% believe unemployment at a 50-yr high (it's been under 4%, a near 50-yr low). 📈sociology polisky
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Bidenwww.theguardian.com Exclusive Harris poll for the Guardian shows 55% believe economy is shrinking, in troubling sign for president’s re-election bid
People living in rural America are older, sicker and poorer than their urban counterparts.  With nearly half of rural hospitals operating at a loss, they face a healthcare system on the verge of collapse. inthesetimes.com/article/rura...
“Crisis”: Half of Rural Hospitals Are Operating at a Loss, Hundreds Could Closeinthesetimes.com A new report paints a grim picture for small-town health care—especially in states that have not expanded Medicaid.
Just want to spare a thought for these folks and their loved ones, who came a long way to find work and stability only to die on the job.
As Trump eyes pardons for Jan. 6 convicts, remember:   He's the first candidate in history to effectively tell the electorate, “Vote for me and I’ll deliberately release violent criminals back onto the streets.”
Trump: Pardons for Jan. 6 criminals will be among ‘first acts’www.msnbc.com Trump is the first ever candidate to effectively tell the electorate, “Vote for me and I’ll deliberately release violent criminals back onto the streets.”
When they’re right, they’re right, I completely agree that conservatives should make “ending recreational sex” their central issue
This is top article on front page. "...Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter... adding to an impression of frailty. Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways." NYT can go fuck itself with a rented dick.
Hey guys. I think this should be spread widely. They are telling us what will happen if they win. They are not being coy, either. Make sure people know.
It should not go unnoticed that the very same billionaires conducting the Plagiarism Crusade against non-white, female university presidents have their entire life savings tied up in a Plagiarism Machine.
‘Impossible’ to create AI tools like ChatGPT without copyrighted material, OpenAI sayswww.theguardian.com Pressure grows on artificial intelligence firms over the content used to train their products
Intrusive thought today is what if the NYT covered the Thomas & Alito bribery scandal the way they're covering the college presidents. Not just an endless stream of articles but framing it as though it's a shock and an obvious affront that they haven't resigned yet
I love how the New York Times, which ran more than five dozen articles on Gay and almost single handedly maintained the drumbeat for her resignation, switches into Neutral Observer Mode here. www.nytimes.com/2024/01/06/b...
thread 🧵— The recent report on foreign governments putting roughly 8 million in Trump’s (and his Org’s) pocket during his presidency might sound like… not that much money but a few things: 1) you still shouldn’t be allowed to do it 2) not sure if this was thoroughly addressed elsewhere but…
"calm down," they told us, "Roe is settled law"
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky woman seeking court approval for abortion learned her embryo no longer has cardiac activity, attorneys say.
A far-right school board in Bucks County was voted out of office a few weeks ago, so they quickly gave their superintendent a $700,000 exit package! www.politico.com/news/2023/11...
BREAKING: Federal lawmakers demand an SEC probe into whether Elon Musk committed securities fraud after WIRED stories shed doubt on his claims about the health and wellbeing of Neuralink's animal test subjects. www.wired.com/story/elon-m...
End of feed.