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A new issue of Journal of the Philosophy of History is out. It is devoted to realism in historiography, and features articles by, among others, Frank Ankersmit, Paul Roth, and Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen. 🧠🗃️
Journal of the Philosophy of History Volume 18 Issue 2 (2024)brill.com "Volume 18 (2024): Issue 2 (Jun 2024)" published on 28 Jun 2024 by Brill.
Thrilled about the incredible news for my @UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Department of History! 🎉 This generous gift will help us share "historical research and knowledge with broader society beyond campus." Exciting times ahead! @UCLAHist @UCLACollege newsroom.ucla.edu/stories/ucla...
Alumni couple gives $25 million to propel UCLA’s Department of History into the futurenewsroom.ucla.edu The landmark gift from Meyer and Renee Luskin will support the department’s mission of leveraging historical knowledge for the public good.
A former PhD student of mine, Marshall Palmer, wrote his dissertation on foreign election interference and when it works. A key piece: when the foreign interferers have domestic allies.
It forecloses the ability for people to be agents of change by creating an increasing degree of sin based on how likely you are to actually be able to achieve any change. In other words, it's a race to the bottom, a campaign of bitterness to ensure that everyone is as disempowered as they.
Advance copy just arrived from @princetonupress.bsky.social, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the job they have done! Official release is September 3, but it can be preordered now at a nice discount (see next post).
My latest research document on Project 2025. Roughly 3/4 of the authors and editors are former Trump administration officials, staffers or advisors while over 1/2 of the contributors also formerly worked for Trump. open.substack.com/pub/decoding...
Project 2025 - List of Authors, Editors and Contributorsopen.substack.com Emphasis on former Trump administration officials, staff members and advisors
Vance is definitely the kind of guy who has already thought deeply about the fact that he could murder Trump and then pardon himself as his first official act.
I am reading Martin Thomas's long-awaited global history of decolonisation, which has just been published by Princeton. Let me tell you folks, it's bloody good. (And comprehensive: 182 pages of footnotes!) 🗃️ press.princeton.edu/books/hardco...
The End of Empires and a World Remadepress.princeton.edu A capacious history of decolonization, from the decline of empires to the era of globalization
Maybe 1000 Canadian political scientists, like the 1000 French historians?
I am not one to always want to pull political rabbits out of the hat labelled "education," but there probably needs to be *some* practice of persuading voters in general to be willing to think about cooperation and coalition rather than winner-take-all plurality popularity plebiscites.
In this pod, we ask you to keep several things in your heads at once: 1) NYT does essential work on Trump threat 2) Biden probably shouldn't run; doubts about his ability to carry this through are too great 3) It's STILL true that NYT is asymmetric on Biden/Trump unfitness
One thing that's clear from the Biden/age story is this: NYT knows how to crusade when it wants to. And NYT is crusading against Biden's mental unfitness for office in a way it's just not doing with Trump. On the pod, @whstancil.bsky.social and I break this all down: newrepublic.com/article/1835...
Trump’s Wildly Unhinged Attack on NYT Should Wake Up Media: He’s Unfitnewrepublic.com With Trump slamming The Times even as it crusades against Biden, a press critic explains how Trump scams the media into adopting a huge double standard on each man's fitness to serve.
When will media outlets let full-time staff writers (who rely on union representation to earn a living wage) write op-eds about the election and its consequences? Instead, they get privileged assholes who milk the lower classes for profit to speak for the people they exploit. Fuck that shit.
VERY SERIOUS JUSTICES: The New Deal was unconstitutional and Watergate was constitutional.
For historians, the retrospective legitimation of essentially every criminal act Nixon committed while in office is quite mind-boggling. Ford’s pardon was utterly unnecessary.
How the Republican thugs, grifters, and crooks on the Roberts Court declared themselves victorious over expertise itself in one of the most dangerous and shamefully corrupt decisions in Supreme Court history. [gift link] wapo.st/3VBMZi0
Analysis | The Supreme Court gives the right a huge victory over expertisewapo.st In rejecting the decades-long practice of deferring to government agencies, the conservative court gave the right a huge win in its push to sideline experts.
As someone who researches the US far right, I take some pleasure in imaging the heads that would explode at the thought of a Kamala Harris/Josh Shapiro ticket. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/o...
Opinion | Kamala Harris Could Win This Election. Let Her.www.nytimes.com The vice president is the obvious path out of the mess Joe Biden has created.
It's a little weird to watch in real time as the state gets systematically dismantled by an unelected council of mages.
Clockwork Orange walked so VR could run
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now sciencetimes.com/articles/509...
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Rehabilitationsciencetimes.com Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
What can history teach us, anyway; the past? pfffft
“This is probably all one can ask of history, and of the history of ideas in particular: not to resolve issues, but to raise the level of debate.” Refreshing take on the question of ‘the lessons of history’ from Albert O Hirschmann.
A general principle: You should not count on a person with a humanities PhD, or a principled academic, to be an *unquestioning, uncritical ally* of any cause or institution. This should be common sense, but I can't believe how many people forget it.
Superb paragraph from Sen’s Foreword to Albert Hirschman’s The Passions and the Interests.
The CHA held their ground about holding most of our conference at McGill - although some individual sessions were moved, the dance was cancelled, and some other accommodations were made. I am so glad they stayed as firm as they did - this is deeply angering.
Turns out conservative judges, including the ones on the Supreme Court, are basing their decisions on the work of an economist whose "scholarship" on guns is some non-peer-reviewed papers reporting online polls asking gun owners whether guns are awesome.
Same (!). Can’t believe it. Even if I put my name and the title in quotation marks, the book doesn’t show up on the first page.
This day in The Fall of Google: I was trying to grab a quick cite of my most-cited work and discovered it doesn't show up in the first four pages of Scholar results, even if you type in the full name and authors. All the top results have single digit citations. The book itself has 1,000+.