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Nebraska. Probably on your left. He/him. Trying to learn
Dave Weigel directs a pile on at trans women and then instead of apologizing he condescendingly quoteskeets another and i am supposed to believe who is the asshole again ?
you might ask why this whole post is targeted very carefully at a specific two words and nothing else and the answer is in the replies, and it probably is not surprising
Finally getting some of the "just lie about him" posts that Jamelle enjoyed so much. It was my choice to leave the Post - turned out, right before a cash crunch and layoffs. Helped launch a new company that has grown steadily and keeps hiring people. Hate me, fine, but don't make shit up.
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
the United States has one of the oldest constitutions in the world and is no longer, practically speaking, capable of amending it this leaves us, on many issues, only a slight step up from strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a system of government
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
“Israeli army forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military Jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday. A video showed a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, on the Jeep that passes two ambulances.”
Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian man to hood of military jeepapple.news Verified video shows Jenin resident Mujahed Azmi on vehicle that passes two ambulances during raid
the real kobayashi maru was when starfleet officers-in-training learned they had to come up with a unique catchphrase to tell their crew to take the ship to warp
seems like you wouldn't want this to be your FAQ. the questions kind of imply the problem i think
every time i do something minimally complex in linux i'm struck by how little regard there is for the user not having read 500 man pages. sometimes it even seems like the designer explicitly, purposely, does not want me to actually user their software and is mad i'm even trying
school kids bunkered in a classroom around the nation hearing rapid fire shots in the corridor will be very happy to know that well akshually /technically/ it's an altered semiautomatic rifle with a plastic mechanism designed to allow rapid re-engagement of the trigger mechanism and not a machinegun
This rule is, of course, a complete sleight of hand: an individual asylum seeker has a claim to be evaluated based on what has happened in their life. To condition asylum on how many other people cross the border is inhumane, a non-sequitur, & deeply misinforms the public about what is going on
WASHINGTON (AP) — Biden's migration order aims to shut down asylum requests at US-Mexico border if illegal crossings average 2,500 per day.
What’s funny about catnip is I don’t know if it’s like giving cats a nice little glass of wine or full on crack cocaine but either way it’s like you deserve it little fuzzy guy
Just saw FURIOSA! I have two comments. 1. It’s pretty good! Loud and kind of a sensory assault, but in a good way 2. I am now increasingly convinced that my brother is correct and BABE 2: PIG IN THE CITY is in fact the first Mad Max movie within the chronology of the universe
Trump and Musk get all the attention for "worst legal client ever," but may I direct your attention to Sam Altman.
Google has started disabling comments in their Gemini ads on TikTok. Lol. The comments were letting them know how little anyone actually wants this
In it, I dug into the untold story of Renee Poche, a veterinarian who wound up engaged to an unemployed alcoholic with anger issues, then got edited out of the fifth season— and was sued for $4 million when she spoke out publicly about what her experience
Digging in to American Fiction and it reminded me that i need you all to know that Keith David is a national goddam treasure
Passing through New York on Amtrak on my way back to the Midwest. I'm so jealous of the East Coast and their trains. This lounge is crazy
It seems like people just found out that Maggie Haberman was a pro-Trump shill. She has been that way at least since 2016,when she was from what I saw the journalist mostly responsible for hammering the "but her emails" take that tipped 2016 for Trump along with the Russian help.
MEGALOPOLIS looks incredible. I can't wait to see it. Fall of Rome, but perhaps there is optimism to be had. I hope we are fully grappling with the fact that an entire generation of filmmakers who reshaped North American movies are in the process of saying goodbye.
Hell of a message from yesterday's UNC commencement (via Daily Tar Heel)
Doom is such an important product of America that I should be able to buy a postage stamp featuring the Doom guy’s face or a Cacodemon.
When you think about popular video game genres, first person shooters are probably the biggest one that didn’t come from/be perfected by a developer in Japan, right? I think there’s a really good argument that Doom is the most important, influential western-developed game ever made.
Absolutely can't tolerate this country trying to justify restricting trans healthcare on the grounds of concern for young people's health when 25% of new recruits to the British Army are under the age of 18 and 20% in the British military as a whole. This country's never cared about kids.