Cinderella Mechanicus

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Cinderella Mechanicus

I am loved by birds and printers
“They might find it under the milk and meat” was perfect
I wonder if this time Macron will realise people aren’t voting for him, they’re voting against Vichy
The best “cartoon joke predicts reality”
Me: look, a mature woodcock Friend: how can you tell it’s mature Me: it doesn’t giggle when you say woodcock The Woodcock: grow up guys
Joan Jett: I Love Rock And Roll, AC/DC, Dirty Deeds Pseudo Echo: Funky Town Miley Cyrus: Lilac Wine Headless Chickens: Super Trooper OCMS: Wagon Wheel Pet Shop Boys: Always On My Mind Les Thugs: Moon Over Marin Disposable Heroes of Hipopracy: California Über Alles Halestorm: Bad Romance
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Hello Bluesky!! My name is Adriena, a children's book illustrator and author from Singapore. I love tea, my cat Momo, and all things fantastical and folkloric. It's so nice to meet you! 🍂💫 💼: 📩: [email protected] 🖼️:
Also: bank of GPUs and rainbow tables and such to crack passphrases? No, guns!
L’art du vitrail…
Guns can lead to bitcoin heists though
TERF art has come a long way from Germaine Greer’s pedo photography
#SamediCuiCui FACE A Nous reparlerons des murmurations et du gène commun avec les oiseaux chanteurs qui apprennent à chanter avec les mêmes étapes que celles du petit humain qui construit sa conquête du langage En attendant, puissions nous être doux et solidaires © Chris Harrison
The minister is paid more than 300,000 per annum. He receives subsidies for meals and transport and tens of thousands for accommodation. And he can’t be fucked reading a report about why children were being raped and beaten.
How can you possibly argue that you take ANY issue “very very seriously” when the Minister responsible hadn’t even sodding read the report!! Do y’all believe me now about select committee members not bothering to read submissions? #nzpol
PM on defensive after minister admits not reading interim abuse Matt Doocey was personally sent the Royal Commission's interim report into abuse last November - turns out he hasn't read it.
And even if they did, the most likely outcome would be “discharged without conviction and permanent name suppression because it would be unfair to his career”
Everything is financialised and everything is garbage
If you pivot smoothly from claiming to oppose Biden because of the Gaza genocide to just repeating Republican talking points about Biden's age, I'm going to understand that you never cared about murdered children, just getting Trump elected.
Patchwork dressing gown. Made by Sophronia Slingo, who emigrated to New Zealand ~1863, 1860s. Ref RI.RT225 Te Hikoi Museum.
If someone whose art you adore is accused of doing bad things, I highly recommend processing your grief without debasing yourself by acting an unpaid hit squad on their behalf.
UK Labour's last three vote counts, percentages and seats. Man that's one fucked up voting system. 2024: 9,650,254 / 33.8% / 411 2019: 10,269,051 / 32.1% / 202 2017: 12,877,918 / 40.0% / 262
french knots on the prowl
I do hope that British Labour pays some attention to what happened to NZ Labour in the next election after its unprecedented landslide
I've found Backblaze acceptable (so far)
Sunrise... Norderney © Heinz Rademacher
So this is so fucked up. What the hell. I noticed Jovan was making headway and then suddenly disappeared from the media. Turns out that disappearance could be from coordinated…. racist jealousy from Labour — or, and both options are the worst option — the implication Labour wanted Farage to win
There's more on the Jovan Owusu-Nepaul situation, & it is staggering. Eg: someone wanted to make a donation *specifically* *to* Owusu-Nepaul, and the Party took the money, "despite his campaign presence having been halted by HQ." The donor wants the money back.
EXCLUSIVE: Labour candidate ‘in tears’ after being ordered to abandon Clacton campaign against Nigel JOVAN OWUSU-Nepaul, the Labour party candidate who is standing in Clacton against Nigel Farage was...
I'd feel happier about Nazi-adjacent TERF Posie Parker losing if Kier Starker wasn't just spitting TERF talking points. Guardian readers don't need to vote for Parker, they can just vote Labour.