Hugh Manatee

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Hugh Manatee

Manatee baby for world ☮️; she/her; 🌱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️😷 #BLM #BTSARMY #CARAT #STAY #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #Neurodiversity
(Apologizing in advance my internet sucks)
Without anger I’d have no personality
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
This is how your post looked. Blue Sky moderation! Outrageous.
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today
You’ll never guess who just bombed a school
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, - what AI bullshit are you using where a woman showing her stomach and arms is slapped with a label, but whole dicks are free to be flapping away on the skyline
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
I’m so fucking mad at this label^ fuck you, bluesky and whatever AI bullshit you’re using
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Avatar ‼️‼️ Fucking fix this. Stop using AI at ALL for starters
sexually suggestive for just being in our body, if that isn’t the typical woman experience
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
sexually suggestive for just being in our body, if that isn’t the typical woman experience
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Avatar what is "adult content" about a woman wearing a fairly conservative swimsuit. Is your rating system inherently incapable of not sexualizing women's bodies?
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Israel will kill 44,640 additional Palestinian kids between now and November 5, assuming that the WHO's prior estimate (160 dead kids per day) stays steady until the presidential election (279 days from today). If Israel manages to get down to just 100 per day, the number is still a horrific 27,900.
Has anyone done the math on how many Palestinian children Israel will have killed by November 5, 2024 if Israel's current child-killing rate holds steady till then?
Gaza crisis: Aid agencies warn of ‘tragic, avoidable surge’ in child A “tragic…entirely avoidable surge” in child deaths is expected in Gaza where some 160 youngsters are already being killed every day, UN humanitarians warned on Tuesday, after six weeks of aeria...
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Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
"At current growth rates, some new AI servers could soon gobble up more than 85 terawatt hours of electricity each year, researchers have estimated — more than some small nations’ annual energy consumption."
Before you use that chatbot prompt, you should be aware that these generative AI companies are using so much power that they're trying to get more power plants built.
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
😂 ocean temperatures are also higher than ever and climate and ecological collapse will kill billions but yeah congratulate genocide Joe for imaginary market gains
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Corporations as soon as Black History Month is over
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"Can't get healthcare to our old people, can't educate our young people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country alright. Especially if your country is full of brown people." George Carlin
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Hey NPR- and I mean this with my entire heart as I’m literally sitting in the ICU next to my mom thanks to Covid- fuck you.
After a few months, his symptoms went away, but his fears of getting COVID didn't. He is immunocompromised and his doctors warned him that if he got sick again, it may complicate his autoimmune disease. Plus, he didn't want to repeat his traumatic ordeal, especially with a baby on the way.
Wrestling with my husband's fear of getting COVID My husband is high risk and still takes COVID precautions. I want our old life back.
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This is so enraging I don’t even know where to start. Imagine if they told the truth about Covid/Long Covid being terrifyingly similar to HIV/AIDS but scarier because - airborne
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Oh I better log off before I lose my shit entirely
“A pilot study by academics at the University of Oxford found some care providers had been using generative AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard to create care plans for people receiving care.”
Warning over use in UK of unregulated AI chatbots to create social care University of Oxford study shows benefits and risks of technology to healthcare, but ethical issues remain
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Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
All you have to do is replace Covid with HIV to see how utterly ridiculous and dangerously irresponsible this is. They’ve been enabling us all to be left to rot in Covid for years.
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
tagging in #lawsky to boost visibility
i know this is a longshot but does anyone know a malpractice lawyer in AZ?
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Four years ago, when WHO leader, Dr. Tedros, declared COVID-19 a public health emergency, he said: "We cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough, or often enough: all countries can still change the course of this pandemic." These words still apply today.
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March
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Update: asked for a patient advocate at the front desk, was told to go to my mom’s floor and then was told they don’t have those here. That doctor was already off her case by this time, and another of her doctors (sounding surprised) was talking about how good she looks and how well she’s doing.
What’s it called when your mom’s doctor lies right to your face about her telling the doctor that she’s ready to die and there being nothing left for them to do…? Mom corrected her multiple times spontaneously about being done btw. Cool. What’s it called now knowing that I have it all recorded?
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Anyone still buying this bullshit is either being willfully ignorant or purposefully evil
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Amazing what they expect us to still believe in the year 2024
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
NPR can’t even go back to twitter to be surrounded by the majority troll farm account echo chamber manufacturing consent for all of us to be left to rot in Covid because they stopped using their account last year lol
Reposted byAvatar Hugh Manatee
Really solid response essay from Julia Doubleday in The Gauntlet. "Most of all, no one relishes watching their loved ones react with annoyance and anger rather than solidarity and empathy as they attempt to survive a new normal designed to infect them."
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