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Adding Criminal Justice reform, abortion rights and Gun control. That’s what people want to hear. Stop worrying about losing, let’s plan for winning and doing some fucking good.
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
The “lean into it” defense that only the insanely rich can know and use.
Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action
Had no idea what you were referring to and just looked up! lol. I see you can get those on steam! I might have to try….
Yes, the $1.2 billion in federal funding Columbia gets is definitely going to student encampments and not, oh, several different scientific projects. Also, if Elon believes federal funding shouldn't go to people who are making this country worse, he can repay the half billion or so he's taken.
I loved it. I’ve yet to read the book so I’m not sure what liberties were taken with the story. Especially the last few episodes.
are you better off now than four years ago when you blacked out inside every time the president blurbled ‘testing makes the numbers go up’ as you disinfected your groceries and tried to remember the last thing they said on the zoom call before your kids started fighting for the 17th time today
Even if this did make sense, which it doesn't, is he basically admitting that ExTwitter can't earn anyone's trust any more? Also, if all you're doing is complying with the law, you're not safe, nor are you trustworthy.
And to offer anyone who disrupts the tranquility of discourse here the camel clutch
Such a wonderful idea to get a puppy as a human with an absolutely wretchedly busted spine
nobody disappears in the bermuda triangle anymore. due to wokeness
Napoleon was awful. Just shocked how disjointed and pointless it all was. I’m to take it that was the message about this pint-sized megalomaniacal military genius?
States’ Rights is an American political philosophy that means states are allowed to be more authoritarian than the federal government, but cannot be more liberal than the federal government
Not covid. Any vaccine. This is how you create new, vaccine-resistant strains of long-defeated viruses. It’s a path to mass unnecessary death. Just profoundly stupid, unfathomably dangerous garbage. And it’s about to be the position of the Republican Party.
Thank you to everyone for your responses and, in particular to @mizzelle.bsky.social for sending the Youtube link to the Richmond speech. The link below starts right when Trump promises that he will ban all federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandates. Measles, anyone?
Watch Donald Trump rally in Richmond: 'We are going to make a big play for Virginia'youtu.be In Richmond, supporters started lining up Saturday morning for an evening rally at a downtown convention center. The entry lines stretched several blocks by ...
I haven’t seent any yet
If you’re wondering, this is the wife of the founder of white nationalist website, VDare
can't stop thinking of these..
It was a good game tho in the 4th quarter.
Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy He’d bring back polio
It was a fine like between too much water and not enough. I was curious if I should have done the paper towel w seeds in plastic bag trick. It’s all good. We’ll see or we won’t.
I’m growing peppers in sunny SC and have a shabby plastic greenhouse set up with heat mats/lights outside. It’s been about two weeks and nothing. I feel like my first attempts last year with this process were trial & error but now that it’s a year later, I can’t remember what I did right! lol
Do you do anything prior for pre or do you just pop them in the soil, water and wait?
imagine getting this kind of opportunity as a writer holy shit
Yeah man I dig it. Also minimal amount of people being pissed off at you because you like the site
Man not much, trying to use this site vs Facebook and twitters. Also skrateboars