Megan Carpentier

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Megan Carpentier

Editor, writer, cat lady
i know a lot of people who loved liara. pls read
I wrote about the life, not the death, of Liara Kaylee Tsai, the recently killed Minneapolis DJ, for Carbon Sound. It's a big story for a big personality and I hope you take the time for it.
Remembering the electrifying Minneapolis DJ Liara Kaylee “This is who I am, and this is the gift I bring.” Colleagues and loved ones will celebrate Tsai on Friday, July 5.
“I had a very, very rambunctious youth.” He was 44 at the time his then-nanny says he pinned her in a pantry and groped her.
That thing where you know an absolutely godsmackkng piece of mostly unrelated (but true) gossip about an Internet Trash Person that makes them look even shittier but you’re a fucking adult and you’re not going to do more than vague post.
Surprise (or not): Said unethical eugenicist who falsified data was actively involved in The Bell Curve and laid out the purpose of its publication and dissemination.
This whole article is worth reading, but that's quite an opening paragraph...
The only solution to this that doesn’t involve force, coercion or sex work (legalize it, but not for this reason) is one in three young men learning how to treat women as people in their own right and developing better social skills. Gen Z women/femmes are just over the bullshit we put up with.
"One in three young men haven't had sex in the last year," complains Galloway on Morning Joe. He says that lonely broke young men are "the most dangerous people on the planet." The implication is that they deserve to get laid. That's incel. So glib. So creepy.
The former State’s Attorney for Baltimore was recently prosecuted for mortgage-related bank fraud so the idea that it’s never prosecuted is belied by their own coverage. (Also you have to have more than the standard deduction for overestimating your donations to Goodwill to matter!)
does the wsj editorial board just keep a list of crimes they regularly commit on hand or
Like, at the signpost at the entrance to the bridge on 20th Avenue? To the door of the Q100? Tell me you’ve never been to Queens without telling me you’ve never been to Queens. You’re better off cuffing yourself to the Corrections bus when they park at the Lidl.
please, for the love of god, i need this to happen
Peter Thiel hosted “Homocon” aka the right-wing version of the Log Cabin Republicans at his crazy huge Union Square condo in 2010 when I was at TPM. They said Log Cabin was too “mainstream” then. (I reported on it!)
This article seems to posit that Peter Thiel, David Sacks, Keith Rabois are somehow "moving to the right," which kind of ignores the history of the three of them all the way back to their Stanford days when they were already extreme rightwing trolls from basically the start.
SUNDAY IN QUEENS: dogs & cats to adopt, pet portraits (photos + paintings), Q&As with vets/trainers, vendors, free nail trims, discounted grooming, a FOOD TRUCK FOR DOGS, &more bring: gently used pet items (collars, clothes) to swap; unopened human food for astoria food pantry; yr dog for me to hug
It currently costs $90k a year to attend my alma mater, they barely pay grad students more than when I graduated and their response to a strike is to tell profs to run discussion sections via Chat GPT *without any training on prompt generation*
A young Hillary Clinton, working under pioneering civil rights lawyer Marion Wright Edelman, was one of the legal minds who helped establish the basis for people under 18 having any civil rights outside of their parents’ permission, including the right to not be physically abused.
Kudos to the driver with the GOTHICC vanity license plate.
IYKYK 15 years ago I held a Thanksgiving cooking contest with testicles, in case you didn’t think Jezebel was originally a place for freaks and weirdos.
I remember editing this and being so proud to publish it and sending it to a lot of folks our age.
Whenever someone trots out this tiresome "I was hit as a kid and I turned out fine" bullshit, I remember this piece by It still takes my breath away.
This is untrue, I was literally at a dinner party 6 weeks ago with a bunch of other Gen X women and the question was asked “what’s the worst song you’ve ever had sex to” and I said “Tom Sawyer” and won the round and every other woman over 40 there had also, with gritted teeth, fucked to Tom Sawyer.
He was very good but nobody was fucking to that.
RIP Jezebel, which first published me in 2007 when I had no real bylines to my name but a LOT of thoughts. It outlasted every place that popped up to try and copy us.
I am at a cat-themed burlesque show right now.
If there is a better line of Olivia Rodrigo’s than “girls your age know better,” present me your thesis but you are wrong.
After last week and several days without power, this is the story I needed today. Check out this article from Detroit Free Press: Dog repeatedly escapes Up North shelter, sneaks into nursing home
Dog repeatedly escapes Up North shelter, sneaks into nursing A abused, stray mutt kept trying to move himself into a senior care facility. So the nurses there had to figure out what to do about him.
A woman just passed me in the street, looked me dead in my eyes and screamed into her phone “Let God fucking judge him when he fucking drops dead!” and I am choosing to believe that she was actually talking to someone on said phone.
I am at a bar at which I am the only paying patron and everyone else is playing a board game with the owner, but I am allowed to stay as a lure to other women.
As a constituent of hers (in an area generally served by multiple offices), she legit has one of the best constituent services operations in Queens and trust that shit makes the non-liberal FB pages.
obvious response to this piece is that a left wing lawmaker interested in actually making laws is going to maintain close & friendly ties with the only coalition partners she has, but i’m not shocked this eludes a guy who has been writing the same “i’m the only virtuous person” screed for 15 years
AOC Is Just a Regular Old Democrat How the most promising leftist of her generation lost her political identity.
I have a vested interest in this article because my son & the father of said son are founding members! Go check them out when they tour. Shows in LA & a Midwest tour coming soon!
Some days a newlywed will offer up some glitter letter signage from her bachelorette on your Buy Nothing group and you can 100% remix that into “let’s party bitches” interspersed with glitter penii. And you should.
Truth be told, I may never get all the glitter off that I wore to Barbie last night. (No regrets.)
A little ginger cat has been spotted around the capybara enclosure in Zoo Negara, Malaysia, for a number of years, with the zoo even naming it Oyen. And as of June, Oyen has officially been recognised as a resident of the enclosure: with his own name plaque.
Ways I have killed spotted lanternfly nymphs so far: A list. 1. Roach spray 2. Ant spray 3. Eos lavender deodorant spray 4. Aveda hair spray 5. Flip flop 6. Lawnmower 7. Ammonia 8. Rubbing alcohol and cedar oil 9. Smacking my own fucking head