Tåsi (fka Rara)

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Tåsi (fka Rara)


CHamoru actor & artist in ATL

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books, film, personal style, Pacific Islander posts, hot girl shit

Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
B fixed our big television all by himself. There's nothing he can't do tbh. (Also did y'all know you can watch the original Sailor Moon series on Freevee?)
Do you love hard sci-fi? Do you love animation for adults? Do you love beautiful colors and rich world building? Go watch Scavengers Reign immediately!
Consider this your reminder to watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix and juice the fuck outta its numbers and convince whoever needs convincing that there’s a place for amazing, adult-audience animation in the world. Thank u.
Instagram is where the hot millennials go to be ignored. It's me, I'm hot millennial.
I don't really understand how anyone is still using Instagram effectively. I keep getting my account locked for suspicious behavior (liking too many pro 🇵🇸 posts, prolly). I just tried posting a story about my art THREE times and it kept rejecting it with no explanation. Like what is the point?
I used to work the counter at a vegan gelato place and my favorite thing to make was mango gelato with sriracha mixed in. Might be time to revisit that flavor combo.
My life was changed at the grocery store today.
Feeling despair at the world and something that no bullshit made me feel a little better was giving ten bucks to support someone’s work on Patreon. Not that it’s a big deal but being able to go “oh I like this, I want more of this in the world” made me feel like I had .00000001% control of things.
Close-ups of a piece I'm hoping to finish this week 🎨🩵🌊 #collage #papercraft #recycledart #slowart #Alt4me
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
Applying for food stamps because work is dead, the owner refuses to cut anyone, and I'm only getting paid $2.13 an hour. Fuck the 4th 🙃
Octavia E. Butler was undiagnosed with dyslexia. Teachers said she was ‘lazy and did not try hard enough.’.. She reframed the narrative of disability by believing herself to be a genius & highly capable and began to create richly speculative narratives to reimagine race, disability, and gender.
Disability History Month: Octavia E. Butler – The School of Historyblogs.kent.ac.uk Katie Heffner is a PhD candidate in the School of History researching the social and cultural history of women in science fiction fandoms. Her work explores how women in science fiction communities articulated and fabulated science and technology in the early Cold War.
Hey all! I hate asking but my bank account is way in the negative right now because of a credit card payment. If you could send anything my way I’d really appreciate it! :) Venmo/Cashapp: claymationary
the cube movies a metaphor for the cycle of samsara and also for a cube that fucking sucks
Wow, thank you for 900 followers, gang. I still only have the vaguest idea of what I'm doing here, but it's nice to be seen. 💕🤙🇬🇺 Which one of these should be my new profile pic, Left or Right? Alt4me
Wow, thank you for 900 followers, gang. I still only have the vaguest idea of what I'm doing here, but it's nice to be seen. 💕🤙🇬🇺 Which one of these should be my new profile pic, Left or Right? Alt4me
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
Manana Si Yu'os/Good morning, gang. The CHamoru word of the day is: Kansonsiyu (n) shorts, undershorts Pronounced "can-son-si-zu" #chamoru #Guåhan #linguistics
fuck the rule of law the only thing i care about now is the pool of law, and what bikini to wear to it
I think about this line a lot these days.
I must not discourse. Discourse is the mind-killer. Discourse is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the discourse, permit it to pass over me & through me. Where the discourse has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Might fuck around later and do a shoe collection tour on TikTok.
I’ll cheer on this country when it stops trying to kill me.
Quentin & Boomer update: They've graduated to being in the same room without hissing
The feminine urge to get a wolf cut in the middle of Georgia summer.
Going through the raw files from my photoshoot today and soooo happy with what we shot. I've needed new headshots for months, so this is a huge item I can cross off my to-do list.
man, i love when artist make art that shit goes so incredibly hard 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
Being politically engaged since I was 16 y/o hasn't really panned out for me materially or spiritually, so I'm just going to post my cute lil outfits and talk about the people, places, and things I like. 💅🏼
Buenas tåtdes/Good afternoon, gang. It's 90° in Atlanta, but that will not stop me from wearing my favorite hair piece, a $16 ponytail with bangs that I got from my local beauty store. Highly recommend if you're like me and don't have time to style your hair every morning.