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France, showing that the right can be stopped in a tight election. It's our turn in November!
All the Dems who said Trump causes chaos, look at yourself now. Yes Biden is old. He's been old since the 2020 primaries but you colluded to stop Bernie with him. Get over it, this constant drumbeat isn't helping anyone.
Look if Dems kick Biden, they better win that's all I'm saying. It's a bad move in general. Biden is the incumbent and it means he'd still likely carry.
Grats to the Brits. Hopefully Labour can slightly unfuck the Brexit scam
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
Just sad Jeremy ain't at the top of the ticket, but hope he wins his seat.
Trump: -Old -Fraud -Rapist -2x impeached -3x adulteror -4x indicted -6x bankrupt -34x felon -$600mm+ fines & settlements -Cheated in 2016 election -Launched J6th insurrection -Ran fake university -Stole from vets and cancer kids -Stole classified documents -Killed a million Americans Biden: -Old
Today, let us remember the gift we were given. From the French Revolution to the Declaration, Lincolns calm hand and MLKs incredible courage. This country has a promise not yet fulfilled--equality under the law. Let us renew our resolve to a country by the people and for the people.
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI: gameworldobserver.com/2024/07/03/n...
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
People are focusing way too much on assassinations. Remember the actual official conduct they said has absolute immunity was trump telling his DOJ to do fraudulent investigations into the election. In no democratic world should a President be able to do that.
SCOTUS said they are worried about factions and political prosecution. They discarded the very idea that courts and juries are capable of evidence based analysis. Instead the new rule is "we'll decide" with saying the President is acting officially when ordering fraudulent orders to the DOJ.
I guess what upset me the most with all this "is this a reasonable line to draw" is the court said that committing fraud via the DOJ to stop and election was an official act. In any reasonable world that's insanely bonkers and massive threat to a democracy.
If you're entirely focused on Biden's debate performance, you're missing the real story. Yesterday's SCOTUS decision *fundamentally* changed the nature of the presidency -- and the nation.
SCOTUS ended Constitutional rule yesterday. They made up a foundationally different system. Joe Biden needs to realize this and the imminent threat it poses. He needs to take affirmative actions under this new system to stop it before its too late
Look I'm of the firm belief that the President does need to take up the courts broad powers and use them now. He needs to do this immediately so the powers aren't used later on against immigrants or protestors. We don't need a Korematsu 2 or people randomly shot by the military.
The obvious move after the supreme court grants the president absolute immunity for official acts is to make them regret it immediately
Too bad for Charles I he didn't have a John Roberts!
There is one man with the political acumen and universal appeal to navigate a broken bitter convention, unite the party, and win the Presidency
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Y'all are being so overly concerned. Remember when SCOTUS ruled on Citizens United, and everyone was worried that it would critically harm democracy? Or when people said that overturning Roe would lead to a huge health crisis for women? *finger to ear* I am being told to shut the fuck up now
Congrats to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope you placed your students in some nice clerkships.
"A republic, if you can keep it." Plot twist: we can't.
Administrative agencies: very dangerous, must be line edited by Matthew Kaczmaryk President: operates behind a curtain, no peeking
Ah time to take a drink and read all the headlines that say "partial immunity" as if they didn't establish presumptive immunity and the difficulty for Jack Smith to overcome that. Yep let's see how that plays out.
An unfairly maligned formulation of the true meaning of the separation of powers, according to today’s Supreme Court majority.
Honestly I don't think anyone's realizes how bad this ruling can be under a GOP President. He can just commit crimes now with impunity. They already said he specifically can direct investigations via the DOJ specifically in the opinion, which is not the case!
Welp we have a king now in this country. The 250 year project abandoned by the Court.