
It is good and normal for Joe Biden to sleep like an 81-year old, and he's a better president 6 hours a day than Trump was for the 17 minutes a day that he paid attention to anything and the other 12 hours that he was awake doing stupid crap. But still, "needs more sleep" is a disastrous message.
Maybe we've reached the "can't win for losing" stage here, because this is equal parts "a useful frank acknowledgement to key supporters" and "a headline that one should have anticipated and avoided."
Can we trust this campaign to win the 80k votes in swing states that will decide the election? I sure hope so. But they're a mess right now
I think we’re at the stage of “in any ten thousand words Biden’s loyalists could possibly say about him, the press will find ten words to wrap around his neck.”
Is there an actual quote of what he said?
Friend, his nickname has been sleepy Joe forever. This is baked in. He's a sleepy old man!
Holy crap. The fact that this got out is a signal that he is not running a good campaign.
I don't think it's wise for us to take that headline at face value
I feel like the debate was bad, but the response is what has really convinced me that he needs to not be the nominee. Debates can get better, but if you are fully disconnected from reality, your messaging about bumps in the road will not!
It's a disastrous message, and it's also the best one they got, which seems like a problem.
A whole lot of people on here trying to convince themselves the problem is newspaper editorials.
Acting like there is any single problem here is very silly, but newspaper editorials are absolutely one of them.
Personally, I prefer the most powerful man on Earth getting the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep instead of bragging about running on 5 hours of sleep and 12 cans of Diet Coke.
"No events after 8 p.m." is even worse.
If Joe Biden was in a coma 23 hours and 59 minutes a day I would still vote for him over Trump
Does it mean: 1. "I leave work at 8 p.m. every night", or 2. "I go to bed at 8 p.m." 1 is a committed, even grueling, work schedule. 3000 billable hours. But fox et al will intentionally misread and mock it as 2.
We all could use more sleep. That's a better message.
You know how old the dudes are and still want to elect one of them, instead of getting someone that...don't need assistance because of their age? If so, it's maybe not the best system.
These revealing offhand remarks are evidence Biden can't prosecute a case against Trump, let alone govern. Americans don't want stress at every high-stakes moment because the alternative is too risky to choose. That's no choice at all. I hope Biden comes to see the good he'd do by stepping aside.
It's very relatable, though. I also need more sleep.
To be fair, it's already an improvement on starting the previous excuse with "I wasn't very smart." On this trajectory maybe he'll get to a decent message in another 4-5 iterations!
He probably should have done that before that disastrous debate, not after.
That's also word for word what he said.