Matthew Shugart

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Matthew Shugart

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science, UC Davis. Here about as often as snow is on those hills. Please find me on Twitter or at Fruits & Votes. Blog/links to pubs:
Remember like two weeks ago when the Supreme Court overturned Chevron deference? Me neither. But I did have a great conversation with water law expert Rhett Larson about the implications, particularly for Colorado River negotiations
Yes, this. There was (I think still is) a DJT-news digest website called “what the fuck just happened today.” I checked it almost daily for 4 years. Haven’t looked in the last (almost) 4.
Mostly agree except on reflection I feel like the three-day combo of the shooting, the Cannon decision, and the Vance pick was a powerful reminder of how miserable and exhausting it was to live with one goddamn thing after another when this guy had the spotlight for four straight years
I think basically everyone agrees these divides are untenable and unrealistic in modern politics, where split ticket voting has all but disappeared where you come down on Biden right now basically depends on if you think he’ll trend towards the Senate candidates or they will trend toward him
Just huge gaps between the presidential & Senate races in today's 7 state polls. In 5 YouGov polls, the gap between Biden's deficit in the presidential race & Dems' leads in Senate races ranges from a net 11% to a net 15%. In 2 Siena/NYT polls, the net gap is nearly identical: 11% to 14%.
Big news: Utah’s Supreme Court rules that Republicans illegally repealed a ballot initiative that banned partisan gerrymandering. Utah could get a fairer congressional map after 2024 that turns a safely Republican seat solidly Democratic in Salt Lake City. Ruling:
Utah Supreme Court rules against legislature's ballot initiative override in The Utah Supreme Court has upheld a lawsuit challenging the legislature's redistricting boundaries. In a ruling obtained by FOX 13 News on Thursday morning ahead of its official publication
Any US campaign finance law experts here who can explain whether it’s correct or not that only Harris could seamlessly “inherit” Biden’s campaign funding thus far if he were to withdraw? And if a different campaign tried to inherit those funds, could there be grounds for legal challenge?
Before the first round of the French assembly election I said that, given how election timing works in (semi-)presidential systems, Ensemble should get—as a best guess—28% of the seats. The midrange of the projection from Ipsos exit poll would be 27.8%.
More on anticipating the France 2024 I mentioned in the earlier planting how French President Emmanuel Macron's decision to call a snap election means he hopes to defy the usual phenomenon of midterm loss of votes. This upcoming election...
The effective number of vote-winning parties at constituency level ( has increased a lot
I think this is going to be a moderately bad election for the polling industry which will be forgotten because it's essentially a blowout
Today’s 538 podcast made an interesting point: — Despite Trump’s many issues, base remains with him so GOP elites fall in line with party leader — With Biden, ~75% of base think Dems have better shot with someone else, so looming question is whether Dem elites will follow base or party leader
Not a happy story: hate crimes increase by 67% in constituencies where ethnic minority candidates narrowly won (compared to seats where they narrowly lost)
Stephanie Zonszein and my paper "Voted in, standing out: Public response to immigrants' political accession" is out for early view at AJPS. We use close elections RDD in the UK to explore how dominant-group natives react to immigrants' political integration.
American Journal of Political Science | MPSA Journal | Wiley Online How do dominant-group natives react to immigrants' political integration? We argue that ethnic minority immigrants winning political office makes natives feel threatened, triggering animosity. We tes....
Very pleased that my copy arrived today. A book to which I was honored to contribute a chapter, prepared on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Chile’s breakdown of democracy and Arturo Valenzuela’s 1978 book on those events, which was one of the works that most influenced my own research agenda
Person willing to waste money on a vanity campaign also willing to waste time on a vanity campaign
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Tuesday that tech attorney and megadonor Nicole Shanahan would join his independent presidential ticket as his running mate, a move that would provide more ballot access to Kennedy as he pursues his long-shot bid for the White House.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. names tech attorney Nicole Shanahan as vice-presidential RFK Jr. supporters argue that Shanahan’s selection could broaden his appeal to younger voters and women, and strengthen his long-shot bid for the White House.
A new PM has been appointed to head the Palestinian Authority. The media are now running puff pieces about the “revitalization” of the PA. A little basic political science, such as this paragraph I wrote last week, explains why that doesn’t add up.
Surely someone is. Right?
Is someone keeping a running tally of people who served in high-ranking positions (VP, Cabinet Secretary, NSA, Chief of Staff) in the Trump administration and how many of them are refusing to endorse him for the presidency? Seems like that should be newsworthy.
“Crusade for civility.” Now there’s an oxymoron.
A lot of critics panning this, but I personally think that Sotomayor's crusade for civility is so important that she should retire from SCOTUS and focus on it full time.
Portugal’s election: Largest party seat share of 0.343, where the seat product model (SPM) prediction for that electoral system would be 0.378, so 0.909 of expectation. Very low for Portugal, but only a little low for the SPM. See details:
Portugal This election result will be closer than the country's average past election to the expectation from the seat-product model.
Last month, Biden issued an executive order that he used to sanction a few violent Israeli settlers. Most people barely noticed. But the order says and does far more than that: it's a potential doomsday weapon against the settler movement. My investigation explains how:
Biden’s New Doomsday Option Against Israeli How an executive order takes aim at Netanyahu’s coalition