
*There's* the schmuck I've disliked since 1988. I don't know what the right thing to do is, but good lord is that now what this is about. The correct answer is "defeating Donald Trump is a matter of the gravest national importance. I'm the one who has done it and I believe I'm the one...
who can do it again. If I believed that someone else was more certain to do it, I would have stepped aside and endorsed them to take my place. "How will I feel if Trump takes office anyway? I'm an American. I will feel shame, disgust, and terror, just like everyone else should."
I don't just want to see Biden coherent. I want to see him on full-time offense.
*"not,* not "now*, in the first post above goddammit
Jacob, I'm sorry but the NYT has just published 7 opeds suggesting your heirs admit you to a nursing home immediately.
well, if that's what the lord almighty wants.
As long as the heirs don't take a vote on the issue it's all good with NYT.
The law of bluesky: any post criticizing Joe Biden's mental acuity will itself contain a typo.
"If I stopped now, I would go down in history as a pretty successful president," Biden said. 🤔And if Trump wins? 😵😩😵😩🤬Biden said that "as long as I gave it my all," he will be OK. 😳🤬😳 WTF!!!!!
5 takeaways from Biden's first interview following his disastrous debate performance (Business Insider)
Idk about most people but "speaking in complete sentences in response to something said recently" is not a sufficient bar for verbal acuity in my search for a president of the United States Just me though
"This is the fight of a generation and I'm all-in to win so we can get back to work and fix the big problems hardworking Americans have like [pick examples] and get away from the dangerous and violent ideas Mr Trump promises to unleash that will hurt Americans and that we are all sick to death of"
Said it before, will keep saying it: Joe hasn't had a good comms person since Jen Psaki left. She would have squashed this crap for the bug it is right after the debate.
Speaking of comms people…did they…umm…did they paint Joe Biden orange now?
Apparently he had a summer tan and they decided to pale him up for the debate....but... I don't know, he's often at the beach on weekends.
Listen, I hear you, but there was a time when I felt like I could expect Baby Boomers to understand that american politics is literally life-or-death for a huge number of people, and that time was sometime prior to the last twenty years. I just expect them all to be this obtuse, these days.
And Biden is older than the boomers.
42 vs 45 is splitting hairs pretty pointlessly
[shrug] If the Baby Boom wasn't a real generational-cultural thing then generations aren't real generational-cultural things (which is 's view). I've known enough people around Biden's age to know that *they* were very aware of not being part of that generation.
The Baby Boom was a real demographic event with important consequences. But if you buy cultural generations at all, you need to split it around 1954 and extend the bits in both directions by a year or two. Pre-1954 is Vietnam generation (still doesn't include Biden), post-1954 Generation Jones.
If you say so. Doesn't seem to change any part of my point, either of them, in any way, but good and useful correction, I guess.
NEVER let reality get in the way of blaming Boomers for everything!
I don't think the demographic splits between very-early Baby Boomers and very-late Silent Gens does much to dispel my perception that I've been utterly disappointed in the political passion of the generations older than me for largely my entire adult life. But still, fair hit.
It's the lukewarm resistance to fascism that I just can't stomach. At the moment he's literally the only hope the States has, and he's like, "Well I'm gonna give it my best and if I fail, oh well!" Nah, dude, get the flamethrowers and your favorite sunglasses and burn this mother down!
He/they won’t because their policy goals are largely aligned. That’s the part that extra sucks.
I bet everyone who thought he was more electable than Sanders feels quite wise right now
a) Sanders is older. b) I 100% believe that Biden pulled out a victory in 2020 that Sanders would not have. I talked about this a lot in 2020: my ex ante faith in Biden was very low but I think there's very solid reason to think he managed what neither my preferred candidates nor yours would have.
By virtue of *having actually won in 2020,* in an exceptionally high turnout election, Biden showed that he was very electable! He did it with a big popular vote margin-- but squeakers in swing states where there's reason to think he was better positioned than most.
(It doesn't follow that he's electable in 2024— but if he's not, it also doesn't follow that an even-older Sanders would be.)
That's valid. I suppose what I originally posted was a moot point, since Biden did what he needed to do in early 2021, and should have committed to being a single term president
Biden won because he was moderate enough. MiddleModerateCenter is acceptable to most. Progressive is acceptable to progressives. Give most of the people what they want. Independents in swing states, enthusiasm, and turnout should be the focus. Everything else is etched in stone.
If anyone’s answer to any Democratic electoral challenge is “Bernie would have won” I’d agree if Bernie had ever actually won.
Yeah idk why he’s never held to account for not winning primaries. If it’s party elites that decide them (which I question to an extent) then it’s also his responsibility to win them over to his side, esp having run in two consecutive Dem primaries
He was never a Democrat and never significantly helped and Democrats then ran for then nomination and lost twice never realizing it is because he’s not a Democrat and never helped Democratic candidates.
Point taken, but anybody arguing in good faith has to concede that it took a coordinated effort by the DNC and the main stream media to make sure that Bernie did not win in 2020.
Literal nonsense.
It took Bernie never winning enough Democratic voters to win the Democratic nomination. People who say “the DNC was against Bernie” do not understand what the party can and cannot do. Years ago, they just would have told Bernie he couldn’t even run for our nomination since he wasn’t a member.
It’s true that they could have refused to let him run.
Sanders is older, but he is still coherent
Yeah. That is uh definitely not what this is about.
The ancient learn no lessons
I just saw what they released on youtube, but I'm pretty sure that's almost exactly what he said when asked a very similar question.
I'd have liked to hear something that at least acknowledged he was thinking about the tens of millions a Trump presidency would negatively impact. But at least he gave it his all. He's not like Trump, he hides his narcissism better.
completely unsurprising response from genocide joe
Win or die trying, Joe. Win or die trying.