Joshua Katz

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Joshua Katz

Paramedic turned teacher turned lawyer. Work in government; political appointee. Globalist liberal institutionalist. NeverTrump, NeverTreason, Free Ukraine. Follow for law, politics, philosophy, and pro wrestling. Vaccines are good.
Just ran into the most thin-skinned college professor I've seen around here. Also had no idea why statistics are useful to people, which is fine, but you don't get to not understand it and be arrogant about it. But it happens when your day-to-day is students.
You responded with a condescending retort because you're used to students. Bye!
It is also true that McD has served at least 10 hamburgers today, but it's not a useful measurement. Usually, when you give a range, you give one that provides some insight. That's what makes it useful to report the range.
Why would success stop him?
Where are you getting the guy who is ahead in the polls has a 1 in 4 chance from?
The response to "we'll be violent if you lock him up" is "yea, that's scary, but you're also violent if the coffee siren doesn't say Merry Christmas, so we've decided just to fight back."
The rule just can't be, the law is X, unless you get enough people to be violent for you. That's just the rule of the jungle with more steps.
Do people realize how easy it is for ordinary people to get their release revoked?
It's really easy! And totally arbitrary! Another arrest would do it, let alone 3 more felony arrests totally 100 charges. Threatening public officials? No question. No legalistic "well he didn't exactly say..." No, you just get locked up. And that's wrong! And it's also wrong to exempt one person.
his intended subject was “Democracy, Autocracy and the Threat to Reason in the 21st Century. Well, we got to the third one, anyway.
he also disparaged the former president’s professional background, exclaiming: “He’s a property developer, for God’s sake!” You guys, he's just a failed art student! How can he be smart enough to be dangerous?
A lot of religious texts just talk about real things in symbolic ways (which is why Hugo's use of religion as symbol for reality is so powerful). For instance, the Antichrist is shrouded in mysticism, but it's just really about a guy like Trump.
I used to teach very basic crytography as part of my math classes, so I want to understand what happened, but there's no way I'm going to. I'm so glad I'm not teaching that anymore and getting questions on it.
Have your met our Lord and Savior, the Garbage Plate?
I wake up most mornings in a rage that Ds in control of both chambers took no steps whatsoever to not seat/expel under 14a insurrectionists in their ranks. Big mistake to have chosen leadership based on seniority rather than seeking wartime leadership. We needed a war cabinet.
I believe the phrase is bearing a cross and draped in the flag.
And on the other thing, she dumped me a year ago and I can't shake her out of my mind and it's really bothering me.
I think you're right about that, but the biggest strand will be a less buffoonish fascism. But that aside, that's not quite what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what lies beneath the power. If we control everything, but 35% want us dead and are violent about it, how does it work?
Yea, I agree. They're so post-truth that it doesn't matter that such a push entirely invalidates their primary anti-Biden argument. And their power is no longer tied to electoral outcomes. And they just threaten judges who won't go along anyway. I don't know what success looks like anymore.
Kind of what I mean by losing...
If everything wasn't either broken or in fascist hands, there would be a ton of easy fixes. But...
Right. I just don't know if we can. Is there any precedent for not going fascist when it's 30-40%?
I feel like we already lost. Even if Biden wins in 2024, which looks harder to do every day, does it matter? When this much of the population wants fascism, and this many will threaten whoever he wants threatened, how do we work as a county?
But then, I'm feeling down in another way, so maybe my pessimism is just reflecting that.
There's a certain logic out there that says, well, stupid libs care about preventing fascism, we don't, so nominate our person and the libs will vote for them, but we don't give a shit so we won't vote for a lib. Hostage-taker logic.
God, not everything is about you...but this particular thing? Yea, that's about you.
What if I use the sun as a computer?
Seems like fraud. RIGGED
I didn't make the cut. SAD!
Yea, not arguing, just bemoaning. I had hoped these 4 years would be the time for so much, partly because no way they win either Chamber in 22 after That. I'm an idiot.