
Once again it is time to reup's very good Eric Adams tweets
This guy has hopes
Another brilliant prediction, Nostradamus level.
Nate silver is like if the Chicago school of finance became a sentient being
And if asked I'd wager Nate stands by that tweet. I stopped following his horseshit when he turned into an attention whore asshole.
the other best Eric Adams tweet
The Onion's batting average is way down, but god damn do they still have some hits every now and again
Oh so THATS what the waiters at the table of success are serving.
Let this man cook (leprechauns)
I ranked him 5th on my ballot. I regret even that.
I picked the progressive sex pest & the centrist as my last resorts to keep him out 😭
Like Tracy Jordan made real
The concerning thing about Mayor Adams for the rest of us is that he’s made it in NYC, and if you can make it there…
In fairness, NYC is legendary for bad mayors.
Luckily NYC mayor is where political aspirations go to die - Bloomberg, Giuliani, DeBlasio, they all sucked shit and fled back to the private sector
NGL, kinda wondering how he actually cooked that leprechaun. Like, roasted whole? Boiled? Did he take the time to joint and truss it? What about sides? Mashed taters? Carrots? Green beans? Hashbrown casserole? Does cranberry sauce go with roast leprechaun?
Remember that weird scandal that looked like it was going to derail his campaign right before the election -- about where he actually lived and where claimed to live...odd
Remember, sowing cognitive dissonance is part of fascist strategy so it's no wonder every authoritarian threatening you is also visibly crazy.
Mayor Adams’ biggest problems are a City Council and a state legislature dominated by Lefty ideologues who create ridiculous problems, break the budget, and override common-sense vetoes. They are impediments to executive management.
he mentally impaired to a clinical degree...more so than most rw pols and thats REALLY saying something
… said the person who hasn’t yet mastered English grammar or punctuation, despite a lot of student debt, I’ll bet.
The irony is that you messed up both punctuation and grammar. Toodles!
Adams biggest problems appear to be he isn’t sane and also appears to be a criminal
The New York State legislature, famously dominated by lefty ideologues.
You can’t seriously believe that the breaking of the IDCC—an antidemocratic, party-boss apparatus that allowed nominal members of the Dems to caucus and run government in NY as a Repub supermajority—with the ouster of incumbent cronies in major Dem districts isn’t just healthy politics prevailing?
It’s absolutely wild to see this list of progressive baseline bona-dudes and your defense of the Working Families party—which I used to work for, and is socialist in all but name—next to widely and roundly debunked fear-mongering around a crime rate in NY that is plummeting past its lowest point.
You’re absolutely correct that the NYS Working Families Party has been co-opted by the Socialists, for whom not even its cofounder is “progressive” enough. Where you lose is the gaslighting. People are afraid to ride the subway with good reason, and they’re not imaging everything behind plexiglass.
1/Despite the state senate “supermajority,” Gov Cuomo managed to push through in just his first 8 yrs: • marriage equality (2011, years before other states) • an assault weapons ban (2013) • a 10-point women’s equality plan (#1-9 June 2013; #10 February 2019) • fracking ban (2014)
2/• $15 minimum wage (2016) • free state college tuition (2017) • paid family leave (2017) • the most stringent sexual harassment policy of any state government (2018)
And those “nominal members” in the IDCC included NY State Senator Diane Savino, cofounder of the Working Families Party and longtime trade unionist, who apparently wasn’t “Progressive enough” for the Lefty ideologues. She’s one of two IDCC members who survived their 2018 election challenge.
Hard to say. On one hand, it did finally codify Roe vs Wade into NYS law, so yay! On the other, it eliminated judges’ discretion in bail hearings, emboldening criminals. And ambitious Leftist legislators tired of aging in place cost us the nation’s most successfully Progressive governor. Awful!
So your problem with the left is that they don’t punish brown people enough, and they got rid of a serial sexual harasser?