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he/him, Assistive Technology, music, TTRPG, WWFC, Vermont Green FC, Orioles, geek, left of left of left of center, WRUV, greyhounds (save them all)
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Thinking real hard about The Good Place Committee today.
I aspire to one day be so comfortable in my life that I can complain to the local news about noise from a pickleball court.
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If both parties went off the rails into paranoia, backers of both parties would call the other party a danger to civil order. But if one party slid off the rails while the other remained in the normal range, backers of both parties would still call the other party a danger to civil order.
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That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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Assistant to the Regional Hitler
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Trump uniting the country.
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In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
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First 24 hours are ideal conditions for bad media: * Interest in the facts is off the charts, but there is only a handful of them * Bad actors fill the unmet demand * Civiltarians try to silence political discussion * Both sides bromides roar to life * Memory itself is now said to be in bad taste
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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This admin has pushed through more left-leaning policies than any other in Bernie's 30 years in Congress, and that's in no small part thanks to his own work and campaigns. He probably knows better than anyone what it means to get Biden re-elected.
In Opinion “I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected,” Senator Bernie Sanders writes in a guest essay, adding: ”With an effective campaign that speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly.”
Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
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jesus, at minute 22 he starts digging in on trump and just absolutely gores him deep over and over again, people talk about trump as if he's the only one ever able to score any points, but biden's calling trump a criminal, a rapist, an idiot and a traitor to absolutely *ROARING* applause
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I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
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Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics. Here’s what it entails and how it could reshape America.
What is Project 2025? It’s a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides. Here are some of the proposals.
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An interesting question is why journalists don't see Donald Trump's command of the issues as relevant to the question of which candidate's mental acuity should be centered in media coverage of the campaign.
Whatever the verbal flubs, Biden’s command of the issues is sharp here.
Update from Michael
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Now, while I am WINCING at every gaffe Overall everything Biden is saying, is solid. He's even getting his digs in. Now imagine Trump, DONALD FUCKING TRUMP, trying to answer any of this shit. It would be carnie speak.
Every time I feel bad about journalism dying I watch one of these things and watch 10 overpaid people ask the exact same question 10 different ways. What's the point of the WH press corps?
His verbal slips are no less weird than suggesting wind turbines cause cancer and he won't appoint fascists. The decision is simple.
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The Washington Post launched a splashy "Climate Answers" AI chatbot this week. The only problem, as discovered by my colleague Maggie? It refuses to answer questions about whether AI is bad for the environment, in spite of the Post's excellent reporting on that topic:
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions but It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the The venerable has a new AI chatbot, designed to answer climate questions. Why won't it answer prompts about AI's growing climate footprint?
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the state of journalism.
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the most monstrous woman isn’t a murderer or a rapist - she’s unmarried and childless at 34
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is Donald Trump still running for president
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For all those on the path of Hurricane Beryl, Project 2025 would eliminate the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
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Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One. He can't. What we have got to focus on is policy."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps....
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Trump loves using Black people for rhetorical devices because he knows no one will actually go talk to Black people at that level
Thinking today about Trump’s “black jobs” line. A reminder that Trump never changes his most venal thoughts
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reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.