
i was just going to make a post about this. if trump decides you are an enemy of the state or a “threat to national security” and has you deported, citizenship or not, there’s nothing you can do to get home. he has full legal power to render you stateless.
Related, if trump is summarily deporting citizens under his new mass deportation regime, citizenship and an ability to appeal to the law isn’t going to get people back in the country. The executive runs border security
I wanna shake every white guy back home who thinks this can't touch him. You don't know how capricious this shit gets. Trump is farther gone than Biden, Trump has actual dementia, he is easily swayed by whoever talked to him last. If Stephen Miller gets a bug up his ass you're done.
If you can find psychiatrist Bandy Lee by video, substack or website, and hear what she has to say about his psychiatric damage, you'd be ready to have him involuntarily committed to an institution. I think this should go on our 'what should Biden do with these powers?' list.
Legit wonder how it would pan out in deporting white leftists. Would, for example, I be sent to Ireland, Britain, Germany or Poland? Or would it be arbitrary because of my 5-6 generations I feel I'll wind up a political prison tbh
*Legally*, a citizen cannot be prevented from entering the country. *Practically*, the only way that is supported is via the courts -- courts which have been quite happy to ignore the law and precedent. We've got a huge dependency problem, and I don't know how to fix it.
And/or take an extremely long time. And/or cannot force the President to do anything.
I seem to recall there's currently an accepted limit to how long they can prevent you from entering, if you are a citizen, and it's not all that long. But... again, that depends on a court system that adheres to laws and precedent. That's gone now.
It also requires that you have an opportunity to *show* your citizenship, which is not guaranteed if they fully jettison due process for alleged illegal immigrants
There are regulations, policies, and procedures in place for that. And guess what they all depend on...
Haha yeah when we get renditioned extraordinarily with whatever we have on our person at the time will that be enough for a loyal functionary to let us back in if we find our way back??
If things get bad enough, the queue for justice will be so long (by design) that there will functionally be almost no point in waiting.
Also: Think you're all set for retirement? Whatcha gonna do if your assets are seized because you said Not The Right Thing?
And he was talking about revoking citizenship pretty much from the time he got there in 2017, so it's not an idle threat.
The GOP has been talking about second class tier of citizenship for those naturalized or born here for decades, at least since Tom Delay in the 1990s
I mean, they DO love the idea of serfdom like, a LOT
they really like that look for the rest of us.
"It's a beautiful world for YOU . . .it's not for me."
But Biden might raise taxes on the rich and had a bad debate night!!
Seriously. The handwringing is over the top 😠
In the early republic, during the debates around the Alien Friends Act of 1789 giving the Prez the right to deport aliens from nations the US was not at war with, the southern states speculated that the Prez could deport all their enslaved people and the act very narrowly passed only to end later.
This power extends to Biden and any future Democratic president (if that can happen again - a big if) but notice no one seriously considers that they would use it.
If the democrats try, the courts will stop them.
And he’ll apply this to private business: he’ll go full Putin and demand his share of revenue lest he deems your company an enemy. He’s already using this language, and those companies should expect to lose gov contracts (AWS), fed license (Comcast) and ability to compete against his biz (Meta).
Also $ from oil and gas and they can happily drill away even on federal law! Caused contamination of drinking water- whoops only SCOTUS can decide if you really shouldn’t drink it.
So Biden could do that to the entire Trump team? Might be worth it to save democracy. Couldn't he also do this to 6 supreme court justices as well? GOP can play around with this shit bcz they know dems wont use the power. They should at this point and then put in people who would restore all rules.
They do this because they have (cleverly) reserved what determines an "official act" to the courts. If you think they won't have two VERY different definitions depending on who is in the White House, I have a bridge in northern Michigan I'm looking to sell.
a) I think in practice this is likely true b) I don't think this is because of Monday's decision. Monday's decision is that Trump can't be criminally prosecuted for wrongdoing. It's other, older decisions that have made it hard to get redress in other ways.
Formally, in the situation you describe, I think habeas corpus is still available to that person. Monday's decision shouldn't affect that. The problem is that the courts have gutted habeas protections and have made it clear that they don't care to rein in Trump.
To be clear, Monday's decision is appalling, a betrayal of the American constitutional order, and I think it makes it more likely that Trump will behave lawlessly because he knows he wouldn't be prosecuted.
methinks the coup already happend. The transition period just ends with the elections.
Not just Trump. If some lackey rolls you up--be it incompetence or malice--among the 20 million "illegals," you won't get access to representation prior to incarceration and deportation. You'll be one of millions in foreign countries, possibly hostile ones, with limited resources, arguing your case
That said, I think this was true in Trump's prior administration, too. But whatever institutional guardrails existed before are totally gone and a mass deportation campaign would provide cover for so many abuses. What was an outside risk is now... terrifyingly plausible.
Biden has a chance to do the funniest thing right now
Sure glad the Supreme Six worried about some theoretical premise wherein a president might hesitate, so they needed to manufacture near-total immunity and let that tidal wave roar across society.
This is something that the far right has been dreaming of
But they are going to deport me to Canada, or New Zealand, or some other VERY WHITE country, right?
“I’ll just show them my passport and birth certificate!” Show them to whom? In what venue? If they’re already ignoring existing laws, why would they bother making an exception for that?
floridians are already stateless. ever lived here?
Makes me think Biden should do that to Trump... And maybe a certain set of 6 Justices... And some Senators and congresspersons
Speaking of unofficial duties. Also this took place before his election, so it bears sharing widely about our child rapist.
🤬 This is the man the MAGAs want as our President - THIS GUY??? (this is from just released Jeffrey Epstein court documents) Full documents: #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024
Could Biden render Trump stateless because he is a threat to national security?
And there's a laundry list of reasons anyone could get labeled. A stint in the DSA? A climate scientist? Knocked doors for a candidate he doesn't like? Wrong color? Excuses as thin as tissue are more than enough.
Doesn’t Biden have that same option right up until 1/20?
But NPR just said Roberts only made the Immunity ruling to prevent tit for tat prosecutions. 🤔
I imagine him having a discussion with his AG telling him not to prosecute and individuals or local law enforcement that takes it upon themselves to round up undesirables and put them in work camps. AG then publicizes this, and presto: concentration camps.
Repubs just keeps getting worse. Trump has a fondness for cruelty toward ppl he doesn't value, and will take advantage of it.
and since this is a world of states, statelessness is a deferred but horrific death sentence
You'd think that Trump would have recognized by now the upside of commercial imprisonment over deportation. Plenty of grift to be found there.