
GUYS. What has endured in the past 72 hours is not okay. She did a fantastic job with her story and her interview and I am so proud of her! I came to know Taylor through working on her book - she is an extremely thoughtful, empathetic & careful journalist.
The misrepresentations that are spreading about her on here are absurd. Taylor’s entire beat is online influence - she literally wrote the book on it. She’s not platforming fascism (?!) and all she’s ever done as long as I’ve known her is fight for LGBTQ and all human rights.
Please focus your energy on people like Chaya, not people like Taylor. She’s good people, I promise! 🙏🏼
you do understand that the people saying it was bad are explicitly the victims/targets of the person platformer, right? I’m not saying cancel her or whatever but giving someone a pass on what was *actually harmful journalism*, as in personal details of a trans kid were printed, is egregious
I am sorry your friend made a mistake, but saying how good a person they are without contextualizing the errors & harm caused diminishes both you vouching for them & the harm caused this isn’t me trying to own you, it’s an internet stranger trying to kindly tell you “your stance isn’t great”
She is literally not. She knew going in that she would have to pull punches for her editors, knew that Chaya would use it to her advantage, and is now comparing people to Nazis for not liking it. She is decidedly NOT a good person And trans and queer people are the ones that need attention.
I shouldn't have replied honestly but this whole fucking thing
I bit my tongue earlier but feel the same. I’m tired of talking/hearing about her but feel like she was solidly wrong in doing it in the first place
I'm sure the coordinated effort to close ranks around her is helping. Keep doing it! Keep shutting down the people she claims to want to help when they express concern that she's fucked up!
You closing ranks around your bestie means nothing and achieves even less. Why don’t you focus YOUR energy on the people actually affected instead of this self centred cis preening
From the specific ways she’s defending herself — gaslighting the trans community & falling back on DARVO at the drop of a hat — I don’t think she’s putting herself across as a very nice person at all. Not that you thinking she’s “good” (to you) would even matter if it were true, because it does not.
Good people don't platform fascists.
Good people don't compare us to the fascists on Gab.
Good people don't even have accounts on Gab.
People who platform fascists and then become mad when they’re criticized for it ain’t a good person
Jenn I find it entirely suspect that your bestie decided to interview a hate monger and get comfy with her days after said hate mongers rhetoric inspired yet another hate crime that is being swept under the rug. It is incredibly suspect that she's not angry that literal children are being murdered
It's also incredibly suspect that all these we-totally-care-oh-so-much accounts decided to immediately close ranks around Lorenz.
When was the interview filmed, was it after February 8th? Incredibly suspect to interview who she did instead of say members of the Choctaw Nation from Owasso. Nex Benedict should still be alive.
The people who are certain that they're Good People and that makes it impossible for them to cause harm are a huge part of the problem here.
We can walk and chew gum at the same time actually
You'd love us to focus all of our attention on every word that Chaya says, wouldn't you? That's what this is all about isn't it? Shoving the genocidal message in our faces.
May I suggest: you first?
who was better in interviewing terrorists - her or Tucker?
... she literally did platform a fascist???
If a plumber installs a toilet that leaks raw sewage every time I flush they don't get to say "toilets are literally my whole job" when I complain If it's her whole beat then maybe she should be good at it
I really wish cis people would stop telling trans people how to feel
I wrote about Taylor Lorenz, ambulance chasing in the face of trans trauma, and why articles about dead trans kids should probably actually be about those dead trans kids. It's a lot to say but I might as well fucking say it all:
I Don’t Care About Your Nex Benedict, Taylor Lorenz, and why trans trauma is not your goldmine.
She literally platformed fascism. Grow up.
Are you good at PR, cos this isn’t good PR
I mean, I know I remember when the Washington Post interviewed Hitler to get his side of the whole final solution issue. I see no difference.
Is there some evidence for this? Having trouble finding any.
Look, I have been fighting for LGBTQ+ rights long before we ever called it that and probably before many of you were born. I believe Taylor is trying to be an advocate even even though her interview may have not been the best executed thing in the world. We didn't used to have many allies.
So this tearing down of Taylor Lorenz is doing more to help Chaya than anything else. I am sure Raichik is watching it with glee.
Inviting victor Orbán to speak at CPAC is platforming fascism. Interviewing someone about their hate speech motivations is not.
... she "wrote the book" on online influence and has ~30k followers here? are we sure about that?
Good to see the ambulance chaser hhas a
For my fellow white queers upset by this, let's remember this feeling every time our comrades of color tell us " this ain't it" To Jenn, you seem like good people, people on the Internet are rightfully frustrated with Taylor but never show their best side in a comment section.
What concerns us more than the error of platforming a fascist agitator and terrorist is the refusal to take the criticism. There's 100 years of evidence telling us why platforming fascists serves them. Taylor's impulse wasn't evil, she shouldn't be cancelled but she should acknowledge the failure.
Omg she’s been harassed for 72 hrs for interview no one asked for? That sucks. I can relate cause I’ve been called a faggot and worse for 15+ years for being non binary. Sucks that someone said she’s dumb tho.