
The thing that's telling and exasperating about the centrist "Biden must drop out" calls is that... this was their guy! They act like the left insisted on him! But Biden was the guy they were saying Democrats should instead rally around when it looked like we might pick Bernie!
Dude, it never looked like we were going to pick Bernie. He had no chance whatsoever with the majority of the actual Dem base, whose concerns he dismissed as "identity politics."
Bernie wasn't able to break 30%, & ironically for a socialist, didn't realize he was presenting his opponents with a very simple collective action problem.
bernie was beating biden in one-on-one polls a few days before that happened. it was obvious they could do this, but what surprised me was the dramatic effect it had on polls between like friday and monday.
He actually wasn't, is the problem. Biden took a big jump as he absorbed Klobuchar, Buttigeig, & O'Rourke's supporters (& also much of Warren's) but he was already leading Bernie. Also you need to ask yourself why all those millions of voters switched to Biden instead of Sanders in the first place.
Bernie as I said couldn't break 30% but then all the shitlib voters worked collectively towards their "Bernie Sanders shouldn't be the nominee" goal & decided on a single candidate to vote for & now Biden is president.
yes, and as i said, the surprise on my end at the time was not that they might do this, but that it would so effectively sway their voters, given previous head-to-head polling.
Also bears saying that Sanders could have cut Buttigieg and Klobuchar into his coalition if he'd anything to offer and were constitutionally capable of that sort of dealmaking
he tried to offer Warren both the VP slot and secretary of (i think treasury?). i don't know what more you can even give someone.
Consistent respect before you need something?
hey Harris started off calling Biden racist and now she's VP. Bernie has never been anything but respectful. Warren read too many articles about mean tweets i guess.
Real talk as a Warren voter: If she'd endorsed Bernie I'd be disappointed in her & start looking at other candidates.
you were in the minority of those supporters.
I won't pretend her signaling that he was a dick she didn't want to work with colored my opinion of him, but setting aside that's on Sanders as a candidate, I was pretty primed to support someone else before those revelations
But Proof how would you have known the guy who hired Briahna Joy-Gray, David Sirota, & Jeff Weaver was a dick if Elizabeth Warren didn't mind control you into thinking as she commanded?
having fun building elaborate mythologies around random progressive political staffers, whom you only know from their being hired by bernie
Random staffers like press secretary, the literal mouthpiece of the candidate?
i just don't think we needed to convince the kind of people who have a list of grievances against obscure progressive media figures.
They're not obscure, that's the whole fuckin issue! They're critical parts of the Bernie campaign!
yes, but i don't think most people know who you are talking about.
People know when you’ve hired a terrible press secretary because that’s the person who speaks for the candidate, in the most literal sense imaginable.
And, you know, let's hand him the point. Most people don't know he had a shit staff, seems true enough Everyone on this thread does, so this is "imagine a dumb voter so we can pretend bad staffing is a non-issue." Among other issues with that, the results his hires got speak for themselves!
Right exactly. Campaigns make bad hires all the time. Good campaigns recognize and recover from bad hires by professionalizing their operation. Bad campaigns double down and isolate their candidate from necessary feedback.
Sanders campaign literally said their goal was to keep things divided with no one winning before the convention and then fighting it out there.
And I think as we watch another effort to try and engineer an outcome at the convention it's worth really taking in how stunningly cynical it is to say things are rigged and then to base your strategy around gaming the rules. Small consolation that it would have ended with delegates icing him out
The hypocrisy is honestly disgusting.
Right and it’s important to point out how absurd that plan is. A goal of winning like that is a recipe for not winning at all.
sanders coming into the convention with a plurality, not a majority, was the expected outcome, yes. i do not think there would need to be any fight in such a case though, unless the delegates had tried to dispute the clear winner of the election.
On neutral terms I cannot tell you how bad a plan that is, especially with a lack of relationships sanders has with democratic delegates in the first place. Candidates need to consolidate support prior to the nominating conventions.
By the rules, a plurality is not a clear winner. And a 30% plurality winner is by no means the person we should automatically hand the rest of the votes to without a discussion.
With hindsight, the funniest thing about the brokered convention strategy is that Biden was able to broker his win without DNC involvement before Super Tuesday Sure, to some degree that was unforeseeable, but also, we know who had the chops to make deals with party members to seal the nomination
that is how it works in many elections in the US. in better-administrated countries, they have a runoff in this place. your position seems to be that a bunch of party leaders should decide.
So you don't win the convention with a plurality, bud.
"Clear winner" is your issue here. By that logic, Steve Garvey has a 50/50 shot to be the next Senator from California.
a runoff election would be a better way to handle such a situation yes, and is what most countries do.