
The thing that's telling and exasperating about the centrist "Biden must drop out" calls is that... this was their guy! They act like the left insisted on him! But Biden was the guy they were saying Democrats should instead rally around when it looked like we might pick Bernie!
People knew about Biden's stumbles just as well in 2016 but the CW from the same centrist morons then was he was the reliable moderate safe choice!
But if you're like Ross Douthat or Nick Kristoff your project isn't to actually offer Democrats advice, it's to undermine them and prefer explanations why what fascists do to us is actually Dems' fault. So Biden becomes the standard bearer and they turn on him
I find it hard to believe he’s that challenged thanks to one night when Rs put an operative on the case last year and he came up empty
FTR Robert Hur literally attempted his best as a Republican operative to enshrine a report about how mentally infirmed Joe Biden is and the best he could come up with was some mix up on dates.
If your hatchet man comes away with a chipped axe consider what that means.
Yeah, interviewing Biden the day after the Hamas attack was sure to find him totally not distracted. I'm sure continually saying the fate of the free world depends on Biden performing well in the debate wasn't an issue, either. Nor media picking over his every syllable. No pressure, Joe.
when did it look like we were going to pick bernie lol
Bernie always comes up when people have issues with Biden. “We could have had Bernie if the DNC didn’t sabotage him. He’d have beat Trump.” But no one mentions Bernie is older than Biden. I wish I could be as upset that Warren didn’t win the nomination. She’s no spring chicken, either, though.
Joe still has a solid chance to win. Replacing him would be a chaotic mess. New candidate would have no chance.
If Thursday was a fluke and he isn’t going to be like that the next time he has to speak off script after 5:00 then he has a chance. If we saw the guy we’re gonna see again, he’s 100% cooked.
And for the far left, the fantasy candidate who has no chance of ending up in power is always preferable than the real candidate who exists and has to try and pass laws. (see: a solid decade of Bernie Woulda Won, despite him pointedly not having done that)
Turns out what it takes to win the Democratic primary has very little in common with what it takes to win the general. Maybe check who won WI and MI in that primary. Those votes might have come in handy, more than say AL and SC, in the general
Would just be absolutely amazing if Biden wins by 5%+ or so, because the potential impact that would have on the NYT's editorial board & billionaires about how they don't understand wtf they're doing...might have an unavoidable impact on them.
or they expect and fear that more. chaos and suffering is a money maker but they'll be financially fine with biden doing nothing more exciting than quietly reinforcing the administrative state.
What you’re describing is battered person syndrome, and the media and Democratic “elite” absolutely suffer from it.
The assumption was that he would serve a term and step down, which was… an assumption
I assume you mean in 2020.
Dems: Well, Biden is not viable, obviously. But it'll be alright. There's a big field and primary voters are sure to gravitate towards someone who is not Bernie Sanders. Voters: We are scared and would like to vote for the two white men we have heard of, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Dems: 👁️👄👁️
That first Dem debate in 2019 showed everyone how much Biden had aged, and he dropped from being the frontrunner to mid pack.
he remained pretty strongly #1 in national polling despite that. his national polls only started to falter as the primaries began, and his weak organization in iowa and new hampshire lead to disastrous results.
meanwhile, buttigieg and klobuchar were throwing all their money into those states hoping a win would give them credibility elsewhere, and had decent numbers there but almost nothing in any other státe.
it was somewhat entertaining to see the media trial a new candidate every few weeks without any of them managing to get traction.
Dude, it never looked like we were going to pick Bernie. He had no chance whatsoever with the majority of the actual Dem base, whose concerns he dismissed as "identity politics."
Bernie wasn't able to break 30%, & ironically for a socialist, didn't realize he was presenting his opponents with a very simple collective action problem.
bernie was beating biden in one-on-one polls a few days before that happened. it was obvious they could do this, but what surprised me was the dramatic effect it had on polls between like friday and monday.
He actually wasn't, is the problem. Biden took a big jump as he absorbed Klobuchar, Buttigeig, & O'Rourke's supporters (& also much of Warren's) but he was already leading Bernie. Also you need to ask yourself why all those millions of voters switched to Biden instead of Sanders in the first place.
Bernie as I said couldn't break 30% but then all the shitlib voters worked collectively towards their "Bernie Sanders shouldn't be the nominee" goal & decided on a single candidate to vote for & now Biden is president.
yes, and as i said, the surprise on my end at the time was not that they might do this, but that it would so effectively sway their voters, given previous head-to-head polling.
That's literally from before SC.
It's almost like you're telling me polling is broken. Weird. Never heard that before /s
notably and specifically not the NYT’s guy.
kinda waiting for someone to float Bloomberg
That someone will 100% be Friedman, considering he tried to get Bloomberg to run even back in 2012.
Chris Matthews (bursts through the wall; disheveled): THE DEMOCRATS OUGHTA RUN JOHN KASICH
Biden was nobody's guy in 2020 except, it turned out, Dem primary voters
Maybe some political reporters should, I don’t know, talk to some black voters
Freep did a couple weeks ago. Michelle Obama (who *does not want it*) and Big Gretch were tied. There were some lovely quotes for Whitmer, "phenomenal" and "she has made Michigan a place I do not want to leave."
I do like Whitmer and I am not looking forward to her being turned on by the "I'd vote for a woman, just not that woman" crowd when she does run a national race.
separately, it’s absolutely ridiculous to suggest that the solution to Biden’s age being a disqualifier is the guy who’s even older
A guy who is older and has health problems of his own.