
I've been thinking about this post from the Claremont Institute, a Trumpist think tank, ever since the SCOTUS immunity ruling. Wonder what "unpleasant things" the Trumpists have in mind.
“We would like clean water and a bit of health care” Claremont: we have to kill you now
I have to keep reminding myself that just because these guys are irredeemably pathetic dweebs doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.
Like the nerd on Robot Chicken but with more authority.
A clown with a flamethrower is still a clown. With a flamethrower.
Well at least the unpleasant things will be bloodless if the left is polite
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
The best thing we have going for us at this moment are American brownshirts are brainrot car dealers and real estate agents and the Carlsons and Rufos and not a generation of men totally broken in the WWI trenches. On the other hand, all of these new guys have access to full-blown machine guns.
Most of these hickville gentry won't throw their quite comfortable lives away to overthrow the Republic. But if the Supremes continue to rule in their favor, they won't have to.
Trump is going to pardon every single January 6th insurrectionist and the math for,what Milton Mayer calls these "little men" changes.
Imagine calling the police a year into a 2nd Cheeto king term, and saying that you are being threatened by your maga neighbors. I'm sure they'll get right on that—but probably by letting your maga neighbors know you called about them.
Never ever ever decide for yourself what they will and will not do. We're at this point because you've been repeatedly proven dead wrong on what they'll do. You dont understand who you are dealing with here.
It only takes a fraction of them (like, 5%) to get violent and the entire nation will be on fire.
"recognize limits on their power"... huh
"over us" doing a whole lot of lifting in that clause.
I am genuinely curious as to what percentage of people actually, truly believe that the Biden presidency is a totalitarian regime, and what they use as evidence.
You can ask them, but you’ll probably regret it 🤷🏻‍♂️
It's kind of entertaining. It'll be half a dozen non sequiturs and a lot of complaining that Black people are on TV too much and anecdotal accounts of Biden being senile, at least half of which are lazily altered deepfakes they found on Facebook. Oh, and Hunter Biden. He matters for some reason.
It's so creepily detached from what's actually going on. They really are creating their own 'reality' in that we can see how they'll justify various kangaroo court proceedings if they squeak an electoral college win.
Not just detached from reality, but completely *reversed* from reality. It’s the laziest ‘no you’ tactic and millions of rubes eat it up.
They aren't rubes. They know it's all bullshit pretext. It's dumb and lazy because they put very little effort into it. They are unapologetic fascists who pine to use government power to punish and control the people they fear and hate.
Bruh, I'm trying to wrack my brain over what they're referring to as the powers exercised over them for which they claim the right of mortal retribution, and, I have to conclude that, in a not insignificant part, this is about GAS FUCKING STOVES.
It really is all about white supremacy isn’t it.
Fascism without artifice. That is the Claremont credo.
Why are we allowing these "charities" to threaten violence if certain political outcomes don't happen. TAX THESE SCUMBAGS and force them to release their donors. It is well within the law to do so.
People in "think tanks" have no connection with reality.
"It's an evil conspiracy when I don't win."
People are absolutely frothing at the mouth to have an excuse to kill the libs.
A very few people, who have an outsized platform and no fear of consequences.
The only thing I've seen Trumpers refer to "totalitarian" is that Biden ignored the Supreme Court's ban on student debt relief. Except, of course, that Biden didn't ignore it. He used a different legal path to debt relief (one that didn't apply to as many people).
I do believe camps and summary executions.
The fact that these primitives think that when push comes to shove, the left won't fight back and do some “unpleasant things” of our own is ludicrous. They'll experience a serious case of fuck around and find out.
“We had to destroy the republic to save it” is often the language of fascism.
Um. If Rump is elected the regime will solidify. Not or.
Exactly this. The repressive regime is what they are. The minority who control the government, the police, and the courts.
I've been saying this for awhile, but Claremont has done more damage to this country than Al Qaeda and it's not even close
You may not have to wonder for long
1. I don't think they know what totalitarian means. For example, you'd be thrown in jail for publishing this paragraph in a totalitarian regime. 2. They intend to instigate a civil war and their 1st salvo will be arresting/killing a fuckton of people 3. I fucking hate guns. But should I buy one? Ugh
Regime' totalitarian grip?! WTF are they smoking over there?
"If any of them retain their positions or end up with cushy private sector gigs, you’ll know what you need to know about the regime’s retention of power." So... we can expect turbo-charged cancel culture.
I protested ICE and wound up on the front page of the local newspaper. Constitutionally speaking, does this earn me a black bag?
I feel like we are in some sort of alternate reality. I wish it was actually. This is real however. We are all in danger. All except for the very few. Those voting for the orange clown don’t seem to understand they won’t benefit from his being in power.
The radical fascist tendency to use the word "regime" for every single fucking Democrat administration because Rish Limbaugh used it in his act shows what a bunch of mindless groupthink muppets they are. And TAKE THEIR THREATS SERIOUSLY!!
brain damage. i kind of miss journalism.