John Linen

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John Linen

"Don't look at me. I'm irrelevant."

Aging Generation X dude, tired, depressed, pun addict, brilliant but lazy.
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New favourite example of structural ambiguity
I don't get people's interest in the horse-drawn carriage that has gotta be one of the worst possible animals to be drawing a carriage like how in the heck is a half ton animal with hooves and such terrible limb dexterity going to ever finish an entire drawing of such a mechanically complex thing I-
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The populist, working man ticket will be led by a Manhattan real estate mogul who owns a bunch of exclusive country clubs, and a Yale grad, ex-venture capitalist whose rise was funded by Bay Area billionaires.
Why am I a procrastinator? Because whenever I finally decide to take care of something, there are 800 details to stress about, such as buying a new refrigerator but being limited by the space under the cabinet and the width of the doorway, maybe even needing to remove the back door.
I just picked up and installed a new refrigerator/freezer thermometer and my middle aged brain is exhausted.
When it rains, it's a fucking hurricane.
There are too many people in IKEA tonight. I can't get any momentum to finish my steps in a timely matter.
Maybe there should be a daily feed of Biden playing Wordle and Connections.
I put green olives and anchovies on my pizza slices before heating it up and it's one of the few good decisions I've made lately.
While the debate was on, I was hanging with a college friend who was on a layover at LAX. We had a good time, but apparently we had an amazing time compared to watching the debate.
I would like an eggplant parmigiana sub to appear right next to me. You hear me, Universe?
Hey, BSky, how does one see all quote posts together? All I see is a list of who reposted or quote posted.
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I don’t even like generative AI as a concept, but this app’s leadership team does, so it puzzles me why alt text for images isn’t just drafted automatically for users to view and edit before posting.
I just called someone "the Carrie Nation of spicy food" and I am inordinately proud of myself.
Getting old means your knees keep popping like your joints are filled with bubble wrap.
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I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
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"Yeah I guess you could say I'm a... member of the second oldest profession" -- Guy about to sell you some really bad copper ingots
The one where the camera slowly pulls out to reveal Gunther holding a Central Perk snowglobe.
the one where ross gets divorced again
One silver lining to having a parent with dementia: you can be late with birthday/holiday cards and they don't notice.
When I try to reply to a post, I can't see what I'm writing. Anyone have the same issue? I'm on an iPad, but it doesn't matter what orientation.
Going to try tomorrow to fix everything I've done wrong in 55 years. Wish me luck.
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pro-tip: there's no such thing as an authentic or inauthentic recipe. food, like language, reflects generations of folks who nurture it and evolve it over time. except cincinnati chili wth is that abomination
I'm not sure if it's the way I have Bluesky set up, but it is weird to see reply posts without the post they're replying to. Like just "Wow" and I have no idea if that's a positive or negative "Wow."
Reposted byAvatar John Linen
in the future you’ll have to watch an ad before going into life saving surgery at the hospital
*Jim Morrison voice* Come on, Hermes, play the lyre
*Jim Morrison voice* FUCK got a flat tire
*Jim Morrison voice* Come on, let's watch some Russ Meyer
*Jim Morrison voice* onward men, we cross the Khyber