I keep forgetting he’s still alive
LBJ didn’t come out against anti-miscegenation laws, but he also didn’t kinda sort halfway come out for them. Biden could have simply said nothing on the subject, or that it was none of his business. That was an option. This is absolute cowardice.
“Cuban family that fled communism” = “Members of the colonial-backed exploiter class that were connected enough to avoid facing justice”
“we must ask if [Swift’s] personal life choices are ones we want our sisters and daughters to emulate. This might sound like pearl-clutching preaching, but it's a concern rooted in sound reasoning” You know the drill. Seize this sanctimonious prick’s secret burner phone and prepare to be horrified
Capitalists are data-driven, steely-eyed empiricists, right up until they’re desperately sweeping the evidence of their failures under the rug before anyone starts asking hard questions.
My 8 year old last night: "maybe we just shouldn't have a president"
People who think work will set them free should immediately be put in a work camp until they repent.
Keynes is sitting right there but they went with Marx for some reason.
Who could have predicted that a materialism engine would view the world in exclusively material terms?
The burning of Atlanta was tactical. Sherman wasn’t naive enough to believe his army could kill an idea.
It’s actually really easy for a rock band to not give medical advice without anyone getting upset.
America is Europe metastasized
Europe is a fortress built on a mountain of human skulls
We don’t talk enough about why exactly this particular class of colonists had so much leisure time, free from toil and trouble, to ponder lofty ideas like placebo democracy in the first place.
Centrists reflexively defend the status quo. The western status quo just happens to be repeatedly trying on fascism like an old suit.
I can’t believe it’s 2024 and there are still people who don’t grasp that Taiwan and Israel are western neocolonial proxy states that make everyone in the world less safe.
Also bald eagles don’t nest at what appears to be ground-level
You know the drill, check his basement for missing children
This is literal equivocating
TLDR: David Brooks thinks elite universities should admit vastly more students from lower-income families, since low-income students are famously fine with genocide.
You said they are “neighbors” and that a “battle” between them ensued after 10/7. This is incorrect, as all Palestinian land is ostensibly sovereign Israeli territory. The “battle” is a military siege against an un-armed civilian populace. These are not in any way equal parties, as you imply.
Your assumptions would indeed apply to armed conflict between two sovereign nations, but this clearly isn’t that.
Taiwan in its current form only exists because of aggressive, generational western meddling in the South China Sea. There was never any internationally recognized system at play there. Only the typical western neocolonialism that China has reluctantly tolerated for a time.
Placebo democracy is merely the delivery mechanism for planet-destroying western capitalism. Every country that goes capitalist brings us closer to the brink.
In one of our great national parks recently I kept seeing bagged poop that somehow didn’t make it into a trash can. Just sitting out there in nature like a shit time capsule.
Israel has done hundreds of mini-9/11s on Gaza’s high rises, of course there are thousands missing/unidentified/undercounted. Can’t be any other way.
My wife was worried a few years ago that my anti-capitalist activism would cause me stress, but lately she’s asking me how I can remain so calm with “all this” going on.
The corporations assured us we didn’t need an active leftist movement any more.