Sara from Michigan

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Sara from Michigan

She/Her/Mom/Wife • 30 or 40 years old • Third Party Leftist • AuDHD • Junkyard Life • Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Interested in justice issues (criminal justice BA), horror/sci-fi 🎥, nature/space, pro-wrestling 🤼, art, fashion, games, history & other old stuff.
TAROT READER: This card represents Death- the changing of ways. TAROT READER: This card represents the Fool- absent of knowledge, yes, but rich in possiblity. [TAROT READER flips over a card that looks exactly like me getting my dick sucked] TAROT READER: Nice ME: Nice
Some of what's now being attributed to the debate was actually already happening before the debate.
Today is also the 20th anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling that Israel's apartheid wall illegal. More than 85% of that segregationist and racial supremacist wall stands in occupied Palestinian territory. It should frankly be blown the hell up.
Israel just bombed a bunch of Palestinian children playing football. There's footage of the entire thing. Over 29 confirmed dead already. The West is complicit in genocide
A thriller is when Michael Douglas is horny and sweaty in a suit and has to run away from like two corrupt lawyers in the climax. Not when people are being gutted and turned into sculptures.
I wouldn't have classed Midsommar as horror, so much as thriller.
Bombing schools that are no longer schools but shelter houses! Killing young and old has become normal news. Burning cloth tents, and blowing up their family inside them has become normal! We sigh if the 10 martyrs are better than 100!
Israel Bombs Another School, 20+ killed in massacre I'm seeing bodies of children, also incinerated bodies... Al-Awda School (displaced families) Abasan al-Kabira E Khan Younis S Gaza 7.9.24 GRAPHIC:
Yea but now it is Russia bombed a hospital vs Israel bombed every hospital, school, church and mosque. 70-80% of gaza is rubble and an under estimated death toll is something like 10% of gazans martyred
Invert it and ask yourself in what world the current President would have not met a single Jewish American member of his party since October.
Yea but now it is Russia bombed a hospital vs Israel bombed every hospital, school, church and mosque. 70-80% of gaza is rubble and an under estimated death toll is something like 10% of gazans martyred
Would love to see the Venn Diagram of "Thinks Russia bombing hospitals is bad" and "Thinks Israel bombing hospitals is bad." Exist in that overlap! Too few people seem to.
Dvontaye Mitchell
Milwaukee police are looking into the death of a Black man in an incident drawing comparisons to the killing of George Floyd, after footage emerged that appears to show hotel guards pinning the man to the ground as he called for help.
Black man dies, crying for help, after hotel guards pin him down, video The videos of the incident drew comparisons to George Floyd. Dvontaye Mitchell’s mother said she believed her son was suffering from poor mental health.
“I wish people who are ideologically opposed to Democrats would vote for Democrats while they organize offline to fight Democrats” is a non-serious suggestion. If you have to hold your nose and vote for them that’s 100% your right, but you shouldn’t expect others do so just because you will.
Save My Children 🙏 Your Support Against the War on Gaza 🥺 ❤️ Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference. Please consider donating and sharing our story with others. 💖
Please dear friends help with any amount you can or share
She said the "Arabs" had the Nakba coming.
Hi everyone, I know Shamikh and his brother Majed, who I sponsored to obtain a US visa. They're both extremely brilliant, hardworking people and this breaks my heart. Please consider donating.
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today.
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today.
The fun thing about US law surrounding the way military assistance is restricted is that the US government can simply declare that reality (Israel is intentionally starving millions of people) is not true, and therefore military assistance remains legal.
i hate the republicans. but the problem fucking is, the nominal party that should be on *my* side, in no uncertain terms, *often prefers republican policy and ideas* to anything to their left. i'm not calling for a Strong Republican Party. i think they should be utterly fucking crushed.
The pier was much worse than a grift for military contractors, it allowed America and Israel to spend months pretending that a solution to famine was just around the corner, that they were working in good faith to prevent starvation. It filled exactly the role it was intended to.
Haaretz confirming the Hannibal Directive stuff that anyone who looked at photos of cars clearly attacked from the air on October 9th or so could have told ya🙄
Just got to give a presentation on the history of Israel-Palestine to a human rights symposium of dozens of high schoolers that explicitly used settler colonialism as a framework and was accompanied by a Palestinian-American narrating personal displacement histories. There's no going back.
We can see pictures of skeletal children in Gaza barely clinging to life and our leaders are accepting Israel's assurances that they aren't trying to starve Gaza, in fact there's no famine in Gaza! Meanwhile the Knesset has just approved legislation declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization.
we really shouldn't pretend we had a real democratic primary for president this year my state, third largest in the US, didn't even have one
It’s amazing to me that so many of the “Biden must resign” people are blithely unconcerned about throwing out millions of primary votes for Biden. Those people don’t count? I thought disenfranchising voters was supposed to be a Republican thing.
A lie in conception, an embarrassment in life, an obscurity in death
“The pier built by the U.S. military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza will be reinstalled Wednesday to be used for several days, but then the plan is to pull it out permanently, several U.S. officials said.”
US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently Several U.S. officials say the pier built by the American military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza will be reinstalled on the beach to be used for several days, but then the plan is to pull it out p...
and apparently nobody of significance is interested at all in telling dick fucking durbin that he needs to get his ass in gear about at minimum ditching the "not a law, not even a codified senate rule, just an old tradition" blue slips. joe ain't gonna do shit for court reform.
seeing a bunch of "joe actually supports court reform now, we just need to get him the house and senate" and lmao. no he doesn't, and you know he doesn't, because dick durbin is allowed to be a useless piece of shit about the courts without any pushback from the dems above him
Historians will look back at Biden's refusal to comply with US law and suspend all arms transfers to Israel until they ceased their siege and starvation campaign with rightfully extreme negativity.
“The pier built by the U.S. military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza will be reinstalled Wednesday to be used for several days, but then the plan is to pull it out permanently, several U.S. officials said.”
US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently Several U.S. officials say the pier built by the American military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza will be reinstalled on the beach to be used for several days, but then the plan is to pull it out p...