Jonny Lobo

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Jonny Lobo

I love the research.
So I put my no show ankle socks on, which was the style at the time
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Remember how Trump was going to gracefully concede if he lost? Remember how SCOTUS wasn't going to overturn Roe? Boy, I sure do love reading opinions from people who have vested interests in deliberately not knowing what they fuck they're talking about.
"Voters have expressed concern about his age as well, but not to the same degree as Mr. Biden's." I wonder why that could be! Could what news outlets talk about have anything to do with it? I guess there's no way to know!🙃
Crazy how people will lie and say literally anything to snag the lifetime appointment for godlike power w/ unlimited perks and zero accountability.
I sure do love that SCOTUS majority opinions are literal dril tweets, yup, great country we got here.
Yes, it definitely would. No one should do that, or anything else to inconvenience them, in any way. It would be a BAD idea and we can all agree that NOBODY should do such things, ever.
post an image that people will hear when they see it
post an image that people will hear when they see it
there's so much work happening behind the scenes to keep my bones, muscles and blood on the inside of me- it's really a high stress operation, tho I'm proud to say I'm nearing a 50% lifetime success rate but please it's serious that you don't stand so close to me you're in the splash zone thank you
"The Rose of Versailles"??? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT????!!!
7yo: dad, can i roast you for just a second? me, thinking it’s something silly: yeah, why not got ahead buddy 7yo: last year you were kinda dumb not to trim the tree before everything froze
Congratulatious! ... I mean, Congratulations! 😅
My article = shot,'s = chaser 😎
Disastrously Not Knowing What to Do: The Life and Death of Always Breaktime - Borealis Capps examines the creation, existence, and limping demise "AI"-generated Twitch show, alwaysbreaktime. She dives into the project, which created nearly 9,000 hours of grey, animated sludge before going dark.
Disastrously Not Knowing What to Do: The Life and Death of Always Always Breaktime churned out 8,842 hours of mind-numbingly derivative content, succeeding in its goal to be “longer than One Piece will ever be.”
The next few days all over social media are gonna' be a LOT of dated memes like this with Hillary or RBG from hashtag resist liberal women, and I'm telling you right just gotta' let them have this moment.🍷
Holding cartoonishly evil people accountable for their crimes. What a concept!
People who were big on another platform coming to Bluesky w/ a certain tone makes me laugh every time. It's usually some iteration of 'Forgot this place even exists' and then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy when those same people go 'I get no engagement here' after a total of 3 posts, like, no duh.
Neoliberal Democracy is based on the *feeling/faith* that it is functioning without corruption as much as their not being corruption. The removal of the *feeling/faith* that it is not corrupt will destroy the system as surly and completely as true corruption could.
Reminds me of this gem from when there was talk of some King Kong series that was going to "explain" his origins.
Unlike you, I get my news from a reliable source:
Unlike you, I get my news from a reliable source:
Gonna' go on record saying this is one of the worst possible design choices for the dashboard of a car.
TFW omen after dire omen for the industry crops up but I'm a little happy because I wrote about it for my favorite online magazine.