Joshua Akins

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Joshua Akins

Musician, CF-haver, Bama fan, ridiculous little guy.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
The entire discography of Lee Baines III and the Glory Fires, which is an S-Tier account of the authentic Southern working class
Folks are posting their “better than hillbilly elegy” reading suggestions. Add yours
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Fuck all of this. Go kick his ass, Joe. Get that treasonous motherfucker, and VD Jance, too.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
If any of y'all have those other social media apps(FB and Insta) you can see/hear me playing music. Same name as here on both.
Yesterday's supper of homemade beef lo mein might be better as leftovers.
Do I even want to set up Spotify/Amazon/Apple for artists pages? EP's coming out a week from today and...none of this internet shit is real should I even bother?
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
I looked and noticed there wasn’t any Reuters reporting on Trump just last night reading his teleprompter cue to “speak quickly” out loud. Or him mispronouncing several names of his loyalists. Or struggling to remember the word “economy.” Or any of the dozens of batshit insane lies he told.
Well...submitted the tracks to distribution and hoping all's in order for release on the 19th. Absolutely terrified.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
I think the is just too old to be covering politics now. Its ability to handle the rigor and complexity of modern campaigns is obviously not there anymore. Put it out to pasture so younger newspapers can do the job.
Let's go sweat my ass off in Phenix City so I can see some buds play some music.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Three things that are true: 1) I did not support Biden in the 2020 primary 2) I thought Biden looked like a reanimated corpse at the debate 3) I have every confidence that he is fully capable of being President, and the New York Times and other outlets are fucking him to goose readership
I am just Some Guy but it definitely has compelled me to get way more vocally supportive of Biden in defense, just because of how obvious it is that this is ratfuckery from the bad guys and their painfully stupid patsies in the press
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Yes, Biden is old, and apparently had a bad debate, but I'm certain it's merely a coincidence that the most pro labor president since FDR is getting attacked this much by the media of record.
Someone should get the same idea about 6 or 7 times. Or maybe 6 or 7 people all get the same idea.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
why are any of you watching this what good will come of it what will this tell you that you didn't already know why are you doing this to yourself
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
gimme fuel gimme fire gimme hobbits in the shire
Canada and England love "It's Coming Home" for trophies, but it's like dad and never does come home.
I'm almost there. Keep going.
NEW: A US bankruptcy-court trustee plans shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones's Infowars and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in judgments against Jones, he told the court in an emergency motion yesterday
Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for...
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
The trend towards attacking libraries and art museums and other soft targets is just that...soft. Those are some of the few objectively good things governments have a large hand in, but they're really just hacking off everyone and the workers in those spaces tend to be very far left as well.
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Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
“Slap this mule’s ass, Ensign Dudebuddy”
If you were a Starfleet captain what would your catchphrase ("engage", "hit it", "make it so" etc) be?
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
hooting, hollering
One of these days, I'm liable to fuck around and do a BlueSky Sunday School about how fucked up fundamentalist Xianity is from the point of view of someone who was a leader/leader-in-training in that world. Or I'll get high and forget all about it.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Friend introduced me to The Righteous Gemstones. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THAT MY FORMER BAPTIST PREACHER ASS WOULD DIG THIS SHIT?! Anyway, who got a HBOMax account I can use until the first of the month when I can buy my own?
Munchies and cottonmouth at the same time is not optimal, but fuck it we ball.
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When they made the announcement in the stadium, I got oddly emotional. The crowd processed the news in silence for a few moments, but then everyone sprang to their feet and a rapturous applause broke out to honor Birmingham’s very own. A heartfelt spontaneous gesture at Rickwood.
They just announced it. He got an extended standing ovation from the crowd and a “Willie” chant. Now they’re doing an homage on the Jumbotron.
Friend introduced me to The Righteous Gemstones. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THAT MY FORMER BAPTIST PREACHER ASS WOULD DIG THIS SHIT?! Anyway, who got a HBOMax account I can use until the first of the month when I can buy my own?
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Akins
Alan Tudyk always struck me as a solid dude.