
A good way to challenge the authority of an illegitimate institution is to find an issue where their authority is unpopular and difficult to enforce and openly defy them on it.
Given that the Supreme Court just potentially invalidated tens of thousands of federal agency rules that is gonna potentially give the executive branch a really wide range of options in which to pick and choose which court rulings to ignore.
The FAA seems like a good place to start. Watch the courts overrule FAA rules about, say, pricing transparency, enforce them anyway, force the airlines to comply or for the supreme court to try to take over the machinery of the FAA (they can't)
There's some issues this works on and other issues it doesn't and I think the Biden administration should think pretty hard about which those are!
Lincoln really did just go ‘Fuck you, make me.’ To Roger Taney in 1861 and that really should settle the matter.
Establishing clinics to provide abortions at federal facilities in states that ban abortion seems an obvious one?
I love the pontificating on the issue but it’s just not going to happen. Reading the possibilities for the executive branch unlocked by these rulings is actually more demoralizing.
Shut down and seizure of businesses that don’t comply with fed regs is good. Start re-in forcing fed and state gun laws. Go big and impose fed control of state election laws under the VRA (under the Guarantee Clause)
he did it for a bad thing (genocide) but jackson was right about this.
“do not obey in advance—or, when possible, during” competitive autocracy only stays competitive if you compete
Litigation is always expensive!make the fuckers work for that DWP!
“Judge orders EPA closed, EPA tells them to suck them from behind” is a headline I hope I read
Lincoln really did just go ‘Fuck you, make me.’ To Roger Taney in 1861 and that really should settle the matter.
Like the classic question. ‘How many divisions does John Roberts command?’ Applies here.
"how many divisions does Joe Biden command" is a question without a clear answer and one it doesn't seem like Biden thought a lot about yet
He's got uh... some rent a cop security guards? lmao
"Now let them enforce it." As Andrew Jackson was thought to have said.
Texas defied them. Didn't Alabama defy them? I think the people should arrest, handcuff and have our FG indicted and go to court. Have our own judges and jury.
Yeah if only we had a current president who knows what time of day it is instead of the one we have
You mean like large "sleep in" protests with blankets?
Only a Biden/Harris win could make that happen
They couldn't do anything since 2020, how will they do anything this time?
They did a lot this time. They passed landmark legislation. But people would have rebelled if they had changed the Court. The Court needed to hang itself. Also, we don't have majorities in both houses. Government is a team sport. Elect a Dem Senate and House.
I'll give credit where credit is due. Biden, while not Progressive enough for many today, did accomplish more than Presidents of the past few decades. Infrastructure bill was much needed, etc. But the Supreme Court in this state needs major reforming and I don't see Presidents being able to do much.
deny Medicaid funding to states that don't implement ACA Medicaid expansion, like the law said to
Requires the Democratic Party to have a spine.