
bouie is literally the only person on the NYT board who is behaving and responding to the debate like a professional that has followed and covered a presidential election. i mean that seriously, i'm not being snarky.
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
He had freaks melting down in his replies simply from asking “why wouldn’t it be Kamala then?”
Because she polls even worse than Biden. Do you want to win or be politically correct?
Biden steps down. Harris is muscled aside in favor of Andy Beshear. Jim Clyburn and other high ranking blacl Democrats says “wait a sec, why are we elevating Harris?” what happens next?
“buh you just love identity politics” doesn’t get around the fact that parties are coalitions, Harris has a real and influential constituency, and ignoring it could prove a problem.
(also, no real evidence that a non-Harris Democrat would not also be saddled by the unpopularity of the Biden administration)
right, like, the natural question to this hypothetical replacement candidate is "what would you, as president, do differently than the biden administration has done", and i doubt you find anyone willing to discuss that
people want to believe that you can just swap out biden no harm no foul, but there is nothing about this system as constituted that allows that. but rather than grapple with this, the response is basically to scream “nuh uh”
it's just fantasy football campaign edition, like, none of the arguments i have read (save yours) are grappling with any of the actual realities of process or the parties involved who would have to be convinced or the timeline in which it would have to happen
Buncha freaks malding and screeching at anyone not similarly pulling their hair out. It’s fucking pathetic, honestly.
This motherfucker has NO idea what he’s talking about but damn if he isn’t trying to get everyone to panic with him. It’s like when you try to save a drowning victim and the freak out and try to drown you too.
They didn’t require Biden to debate. They should have invited him and made him decline. By not asking he debate, the put their finger on the scale. More importantly they KNEW this was his mental state and hid it from us until we were stuck with him.
Dafuq?! I voted for Biden in the primary, and I had no desire to see him debate, uhhhhhhhhh, Dean, uh, what his name, the backbencher from Illinois, I want to say? Dean Phillips. It’s like the North Dakota guy, I don’t care enough to learn his name or what he looks like. Mad I did.
I’m happy with the job Biden is doing. He’s been extraordinarily effective and much more progressive than I would have expected. In 2008 and 2020, I was like, him? Now I’m Biden all the way.
Replacing him is a ridiculous fantasy peddled by unserious people.